The Student Room Group

Breaking Up

Well, I'm gunna break up with my girlfriend today (tuesday). It may sound horribly clinical to have a set date, but I know I've got to otherwise I'll keep putting it off. I know it's for the best, I've thought it through from every angle, and I'm convinced it's the best thing to do.... I don't know why I'm posting this really, I guess if anyone has any tips on making it easier for her. I'm not gunna do it over the phone or anything like that. She's just a lot more in to me than I to her, and I like her as a friend, so I don't want to hurt her.

Reply 1
Well, for a start, what are your reasons exactly? What are you going to say? How long have you been together?
Reply 2
We've not been together long. Only since New Year's. She just seems really in to me, and kind of clingy. The reasons are kind of long and convoluted. For the sake of being succinct I'll put it thus: We have no connection. We are two very different people. Things that are of the utmost importance to me she seems indifferent to.

As for what I'm planning to say, I was thinking something along the lines of what I said above, that is, We're too different people, and there doesn't seem to be much of a connection.... Though any suggestions would be good.
Reply 3
It's good that you've set a date and thought about it properly. I think the easiest thing to do is make it quite clear that it's really over (and this will probably be really hard, because it sounds like you quite like the girl in a lot of ways and it's likely that you might start to doubt your own decision - just have faith in yourself). Don't let her talk you into just "taking a break", don't give her any false hope that you might be able to rekindle the relationship in the future. Although you want to stay friends, give each other some space for a while because it'll probably be too weird straight away. Good luck, and don't stress about it, it sounds like you're doing the right thing.
Reply 4
And also, you don't really need to give too many reasons. People can't help how they feel. Just saying you feel you're too different and want different things is reason enough.
Reply 5
Well, it's done now. Not fun, but for the best. Thanks for the advice, Angel_Cake.