This guy at my school (both year 13) obviously liked me for a while (you know when you can just tell they do, and also he hinted to a mutual friend a couple of times) and then the other week said he really liked me and was there a chance we could be together.
I'm not happy with the idea. Firstly I've never dated before so it's a big step anyway but I don't think thats the reason, unless its subconscious. He doesn't have a great amount of ambition whereas I'm extremely ambitious and really want someone on the same wavelength. He sometimes stumbles into college drunk and has the aim of kissing as many girls as possible at parties (I saw him kiss 3 girls in 10 minutes once!).
I politely told him it wouldn't work because I'm really busy with other things at the moment and wasn't looking for anyone now. Wouldn't it have been rude to say I just don't want to go out with him? Then last week we were talking at college just about normal stuff, no flirting or anything, and when he told my friend about this she said 'oh so just because he talked to you she's gonna sleep with you?' and he got all cocky with 'well you never know!'.
I had forgotten about it but he emailed me today (in a hardly comprehensible text language-y jumbled message grr!!) complaining I was sending mixed signals and why wouldn't it work out?
Any suggestions on what to do here? How do I get the message across that I don't mind talking to him to be sociable but I don't want it to go further?