The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I think it depends what the appointment is about. They have to put down crucial things about what you are there for and any medication and stuff, but if its a relatively non-important side matter that doesn't affect your treatment they might not put it on if you asked them. why wouldn't you want something on your records? They are private.
Reply 2
As far as I know your medical records are entirely confidential. Even insurance companies can't check them when giving you healthcare insurance and you'd think that would be pretty crucial. You have to disclose information to them.

It would make a mockery of doctor/patient confidentiality if anyone could sneak a peek. Thats why there has been such a fuss about the new recording system for doctors. Some people say it will just not be secure enough.
Reply 3
This is a good article on the situation sin which medical records can be disclosed to 3rd parties without the patients consent. And they do seem to be very limitted: