The Student Room Group

stupid mistake

i know this sounds like i am really stupid but i think i could be pregnant but then i dont. like i have really irregular periods usually and this month is the same, only i had a really stupid one nyt stand at the beginning of the month and now am worried, the thing is the sex was only like 10 minutes of the nyt because we only had one condom and something happened wen we tried to use it. i know where everything went, precum, and cum, but im still worried thing is i can usually be this late and just come on. im really scared to go to doctors incase they think im a slag ot in case i am which i know is dumb cos i need to kno.
if your periods are irregular anyway, stress/anxiety can also make them take longer to appear.

if you havent had a period for longer than usual, try a pregnancy test,
though the best thing to do would be to go to the doctor - they dont judge you - they are there to help.

seriously. it doesnt matter how long sex is, you can still get pregnant.

go to a doctor or family planning clinic (family planning clinic's are totally confidential - you dont have to give your name or anything) and maybe they'll be able to give you advice or get you a pregnancy test.

but please see a doctor - maybe they would be able to sort out contraception for you, or give you some medication to help regulate your periods as that would help you in terms of knowing if you are pregnant if you get yourself into this situation again - which i hope you dont!