The Student Room Group

Being flirty

I have a lot of guy friends at school and at home. Im like the best friend who they can all talk to about their problems with their girls and i can give them advice.

I am not a relationship at the moment but some of my guy friends are really good lookin and fit. Sometimes i am attracted to them, i flirt with them as well, sometimes i dont know that im flirting cause i openly talk about sex with my friends. Not sure if its cause they are unavailabe or that i get to know their thoughts about sex and how they see girls.

I get a bit carried away and we play around (get a bit physical but no sex or oral).

Is this being slutty in a way cause im playing around wit lots of guys but i dont love them.

Thanks for the help.Be honest.
Meh. This is the kind of thing I would do if;

A) I was single

B) I had lots of sexy guy friends

If you all know it is just fun, it doesn't change the relationship you have with them and you can still all respect eachother, why not?

That doesn't mean to say that future boyfriends would love to hear about it.
Its ok, whenever i'm single i flirt with my girl friends all the time. it doesnt mean anything, we just have a laugh. cause i'm sure you will know your own limits and stick to these, not take it too far