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Reply 1
so..youll graduate with BA BA?

so that means that if you go on to do a proper masters at another Uni then in like 3 years time youll have MA MA :smile:
You don't half go on about Cambridge do you? :biggrin:
Since I will be doing BA Economics at Cambridge, I also found out that i can do management studies if i get high marks in my first and second years. So if this means that i will basically come out with two degrees, will i be very recruitable in terms of academics? Or do you think I should just try and give it a go for applying to jobs with my Economics degree?
thank you

No you won't. You'll get one BA. No matter which subject you do you will only get a piece of paper at the end which says you have a BA from Cambridge, it won't even say in which subject. Only your official transcripts will say that.
Reply 4 more intelligent than all of them.:biggrin:
Reply 5
loll the world is run by baboons.
Reply 6
No you won't. You'll get one BA. No matter which subject you do you will only get a piece of paper at the end which says you have a BA from Cambridge, it won't even say in which subject. Only your official transcripts will say that.

but when you apply for jobs dont you need to prove that u have a certain degree, so that means you have to show them your transript. btw does the transript say which college you went to.
well my original question was whether management studies will be very useful and favoured by employers?
thank you
Reply 7
wow, must be an act, surely....
Reply 8
it is funny but sadly it isnt true.
Reply 9
lol. couldnt you just give me an answer. i knew that someone will take the piss out of it.
I do know one unlucky Homertonian who had his transcript ripped up at interview because it said "College: Homerton". I don't know if this is a industry wide protocol.
very surprised to see that you hadn't posted here newbie

someone wants you!
Reply 12
I do know one unlucky Homertonian who had his transcript ripped up at interview because it said "College: Homerton". I don't know if this is a industry wide protocol.

To rep: LBC.

ilove: Give him time! If I go to Homerton for postgrad, will I be doomed for life?
Reply 13
ok you are very funny. but please can you answer the original question.
thank you
Yeh, isn't that the one where they all subsequently left the room laughing saying "you should have gone to LSE instead"?
lol, i think you've tormented him enough.
They're all stupid, what's new? :p: Any country where the majority of the population votes for a man who thinks humans and fish can coexist are clearly crazy.
lol, i think you've tormented him enough.

Who says we're tormenting him? This is real stuff.
Reply 18
Completely stupid. If you're able to take on the additional workload without letting it affect your existing activities (academic, social, yadda yadda), then why not? Employers are not going to despise you for taking it up.

Simply put, taking it would be helpful, not just because you graduate with a formal degree in management. I'm sure you can figure out why.