The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i'm so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. my grandmother passed away two weeks ago and it has been the most difficult thing i've ever had to face. we were extremely close and it was a shock. unfortunately, the pain won't go away, you just learn to live with it. spend time with your family and just keep talking to them about it. i left uni for a few days to be with family, and although it was upsetting, you can support each other. you probably just want the world to stop right now and you'll get frustrated when people aren't as sympathetic as you hoped, but just ignore them.
i'm so sorry.

i lost my nan and grandad last year and can't imagine how you feel.... here if you want to talk...
Reply 3
I'm so sorry, I know how you feel as my dad died in october and my gran who I was really close to died recently too.

I've made a thread for people to talk, although it's not that active..

you can always PM me if you want :hugs:
Reply 4
Terribly sorry to hear of that.
You can PM me for a sympathetic ear (/eye?) if you want, I'm a brilliant listener.
Reply 5
So sorry to hear of your loss. You might find it good to talk to your family and listen to them as well, I think you'll feel less lonely and be helping them too. Don't isolate yourself, and don't make yourself act in any way you don't want to. It's your right to grieve.
Reply 6
Sorry to hear about your loss, you must be devastated.

Speak to your family if you can, it will help. If you find that difficult then you might want to consider talking to someone outside the family who can help, like a trained counsellor who will be able to support you through this.

They also do an email service if you dont want to speak to someone face to face just yet. The second link also has a freephone number for support.

There will also be numbers in your phone book for a local service.
Reply 7
am really sorry...! if u wanna talk, than i dnt mind listening....
Reply 8
I lost my mum when I was 13.

Although it's a terrible time and it's natural to feel pain and sadness, I let my grief get out of hand. If I could go back and do those couple of years again, I would talk to my dad more, especially about her. I would never say that I hated or disliked or was indifferent to her just so I could try and convince myself it was true and that pain wouldn't feel so bad. I wouldn't try and forget her, because now it's much harder to remember her years later. I wouldn't take out my anger on myself and my family.

If you need to talk, PM me. *hug*
Reply 9
Anyone help? Anyone else experienced this and would be willing to talk to me i am very sad, feel hopeless, the world is suddenly a horrid scary place. I just want to see my mum again.

:hugs: I'm really sorry for your loss :frown: Unfortunately I know only too well how you feel :frown: If you want to talk about anything send me a PM :smile:

Reply 10
Is there something in the water atm? My dad died 4 yrs ago but yesterday I felt really bad!
My mum died a few years ago. Even those who have lost other types of close people can never understand how it feels to lose a mother. Don't force yourself to talk about her death unless you really feel up to it, my mum died a painful and quite horrifying death and it's only 3 years later that I can now think back to it without freaking out. There's a book called "Motherless Daughters" by Hope Edelman which has really helped me come to terms with things a bit. Losing your mother can feel so lonely when all your friends still have theirs and no-one who hasn't gone through it can really ever provide real comfort.

There isn't really a proper way to deal with the grief, it varies greatly from person to person. I shut myself away from it, my dad spent loads of money, one brother went off the rails and the other stayed stable. Take things easy and allow yourself to feel whatever your brain is telling you to feel. xx
Reply 12
Anyone help? Anyone else experienced this and would be willing to talk to me i am very sad, feel hopeless, the world is suddenly a horrid scary place. I just want to see my mum again.

I'm not going to say "sorry" and "it must be awful" because you'll get sick of it. Seriously.
What you need to do is to spend lots of time with your friends and family and just live your life as near to normal as you can. Obviously, grieve your mum - but you also have to carry on your own life. You shouldn't let grief overwhelm you, and the best way to do that is to talk about it and have a good cry, put a smile on your face and do something YOU enjoy.

I lost my mum when I was 16 to Cancer. If you do need to talk about things (and I'd seriously recommend you do) I'm just a PM away.
My mum died recently, I know how you feel.

I dream about her every night and wake up crying. I think my dad is getting me some councelling, maybe thats what you need as well?
I'm terribly sorry to hear that you have to go through this.

I lost my mother in July to cancer and it's still damn hard.

It's absolutely no consolation at all but there are many other people feeling exactly the same as you do and people who can help you get through this.

If you want to chat via.PM with me feel free, I'm happy to offer any specific advice or share my experience if you wish.
Reply 15
Thanks a lot to all of you, its lonely enough but i feel around me eveyone is getting a normal teenage life and i feel envious and kind of isolated because they cant understand. Its small things that are the hardest eveyday like setting the table for one less person, my mum's number on my phone, her car in the drive. Although she was ill with cancer and i knew it was bad i never really had a chance to say alot of things. There is also suprising little support for grieving people, i thought about setting up a forum like TSR where people can kind of help each other because everyone experiences grief but there is no support. Any ideas welcome? thanks
Reply 16
I lost my dad when I was 12, i'm now nearly 19. Unless you have lost a parent yourself, most people can't relate to what you are going through, even if they have lost someone extremely important to them.

If you need someone to talk to then PM me, i'm always happy to chat. I have been in the exact same situation, I know how you must be feeling right now. It's difficult but in time, it will become easier. Talking to people is important, I wish I knew how important it was at the time. Only talk when you are ready to though.