The Student Room Group

Best Friend/Friend/Aquaintance.

Bleh, this is silly. I'm now in the upper 6th at my school, and I feel really unpopular, and it's stupid but..
I moved to this school after my GCSEs because we moved house (not that far though, just a couple of towns) and don't get me wrong, I have friends
I have at least one person to sit with and chat to in each lesson
But whilst Ive tons of people to say 'hi' to if I pass in the corridor, im on the edge of my friendship group
I'm in a big group but i'm always on the outside
There are only 2 people who I ever organise to go out with and as much as i lovvve them they've got their own 'friends' too - noone that they're as close to as me but still people to go out with

and it feels like ive got aquaintances, tons of people i 'know' but i only go out or get invited to things if one of my best friends is there, i dont just 'go out' with other people, people dont think to invite me

it doesn't help that i suffer from depression from time to time so sometimes there are periods where im not very outgoing, and some people think im a bit strange :s-smilie:, im also kind of paranoid that the reason my aquaintances are just aquaintances are because they really don't like me very much.

im not confident enough just to ask people to go out with me if i don't know them that well, and ive a couple of months until im 18 so can't just go down the pub and see people who happen to be in there
and i hardly ever see my old friends from school (the same thing happened there) anymore, im meant to be seeing them at the weekend but im worried that there'll be awkward silences and we'll have nothing to talk about

how can i become more popular :s-smilie:? (I guess the answer would be not sit on the net and ask other people.. but i don't want to force myself on people, they just don't think of me. i hate this.)
Reply 1
Oh, and this is worrying me about how I'll be at uni, am i just destined to be a 'close friend you can talk to' and not a 'going out with' friend? its not like i dont drink or dont party (i always end up at parties and stuff cause everyone is going, and usually have a great time with people..shame theyr usually drunk and dont remember us havin a laugh in the morning!)
The only thing i can suggest..which you prob don't want to hear is you have to be more forward and make stuff happen.You could try talking to people, ask them what there plans for the weekend are and suggest that use do something.

people might not ask you to come places cos they might think you wouldnt be interested.make sure they know that you'd like to out and stuff.If it reali bothers you, you could try talking to your two closer friends and they might be able to help.dont worry and dont get too down about it, lots of people are in the same postition as you.

hope thats help at least a bit and good luck :smile: