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How to feel and look healthier?

I'm 16 years old, male, asian.

I'm shockingly pale all over my body where I actually do look white. My face is just slightly browner on my face. Anyway, my friends often say I look like a ghost, because I'm so pale compared to most asians and I have dark circles around my eyes. I don't really mind looking pale, but I don't like it when people say I look anorexic or about to drop dead.

I lost about 3 stone last year, and I'm hovering around 48kg now (I'm 5'5). I often sleep irregularly but doubt I can get out of this habit easily.

I try to eat well, but sometimes eat the same thing all day long, or not enough. I drink too much Diet Coke and Lucozade.

Any advice? I've started lifting weights 3 times a week (Tue, Thu, Sat) following an online workout regime.

What should I be aiming for to be healthier; body and mind?
Reply 1
Eat more, eat healthier, don't drink caffeine drinks, get a tan?
Reply 2
Hi, I'm white but sometimes my skin goes a grey colour. Supposedly this is something to do with my blood which the doctor told my parents about when I was a baby. I always have freezing hands and feet, even on hot days in summer! Don't know wether you may have something similar.

You might want to pay a visit to the doctor. I'm no expert but there could be a medical reason for these things, and there's no harm in checking it out.
Reply 4
48kg sounds worrying. I was 5'6 and 55kg (before weightlifting) and I was very very skinny. still am now at 60kg.

improve your diet, eat more, good thing with the gym - dont do cardio you dont need it
Reply 5
Sounds like you could well be anaemic. Eat more red meat and green vegetables and see your doctor about the weight loss, I would find that pretty worrying myself.
Reply 6
you need to increase your calorie intake to gain weight mate. Eat more food!!!! Lots of it, and lots of chicken, but not junk! dont worry in the summer before i went on holiday i was just over 10 stone, on holiday i ate soo much food on all incusive buffet i ran every morning so my belly didnt stick out, in that 2 weeks i went to 8 stone:|, i just got back to my regular eating patterns, eating lots of food, 5 meals a day, high calorie intake, lots of carbs and protein, 40%carbs 40%protein and 20%fats. Now im around 10 stone again, well about a week ago when i checked i think i was 140 lbs so lightweight againt or junior welterweight or something i forget. Just eat big, but healthily. The thnings on your eyes, try and sleep in a more regular pattern, get your circadium rhythm to adjust to your needs init. Which reminds me i got to go bed now because i have to wake up at 7 to fight my sisters for the bathroom. Ye you want around 8 hrs sleep minimum too.
Reply 7
Hi hun,

I'm a 22 yr old half Asian half white girl so I have quite a bit of experience of Asian men.

I think your complexian will even itself out if you try to get better sleep - you'll get rid of your under eye circles for sure. All the fizzy stuff will be making you look and feel lethargic. Ditch it, just drink water/tea instead. Bear in mind it's will take a couple of months to see results. All Eastern/ non white people have darker arms and face because they are naturally exposed to the sun more, so not too worry.

As for the weight issue a lot of Asian guys (esp Indians) are very small/light boned especially the legs. It's not the end of the world. Work on your upper body, most young Asian men I've dated have had great biceps but remember your still young and don't have your adult body yet so don't go OTT.

I have a 17 yr old brother. Him and all his mates bulk up their physiques even more with extra layers of clothing. Even older 'ethnic' guys do this.

And lastly don't worry so much!!!!!
Regular exercise, regular and varied meals, regular sleep, plenty of fruit, lots of water.

All that old jazz. Ditch the fizzy drinks, man!