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Do girls confide in someone they like?

I have been best friends with this girl for a few months now and have started to like her alot. We are very open with each other, she has told me things that only her ex and parents know about and she calls me whenever she is upset for support/help.

So to the question: Will girls confide in someone they like? I obviously do because I think it makes you much closer but girls are more complicated than I am. Would you confide in someone you liked or just with best friends?


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Well that's sounds a bit tough, but I'm gonna say that she must like you a fair bit. To tell someone or just share deep stuff with them, means she must trust you a fair bit...unless ofcourse she's one of those people who tell everyone their problems...But I think you're in with a chance.
If she is adding you to an exclusive group of confidants, then she is clearly very close to you. However, this doesn't mean she necessarily like-likes (fancies) you. Either way, take it as a good sign. It shows how comfortable she is with you and how much she trusts you. Good friendships have great potential to turn into relationships, so if you are interested in her carry on as you are. Whatever you do, don't put pressure on her or ask her how she feels. She should show you how she feels about you when she is ready.

In my case, I had a best friend that I was close to. I broke up with my boyfriend and confided all my problems in my (male) friend. I became much closer to him and some feelings that had been quietly bubbling away flared up. I completly fell for him. But it all started a with a platonic friendship.
Reply 3
girls do definatly talk to someone who they like
Reply 4
Reply 5
I disagree, i talk to my best mates more than someone i fancy purely because i wouldnt want someone to go off me due to them knowing all my problems and everytime i was upset.

It changes as soon as you know that person likes you though because you trust them not to judge you and to support you instead. I'd tell my boyfriend anything and hes seen me in some states of drunkeness etc and i dont care because i know he wont run away :p:
Reply 6
I disagree, i talk to my best mates more than someone i fancy purely because i wouldnt want someone to go off me due to them knowing all my problems and everytime i was upset.

It changes as soon as you know that person likes you though because you trust them not to judge you and to support you instead. I'd tell my boyfriend anything and hes seen me in some states of drunkeness etc and i dont care because i know he wont run away :p:

Hmm interesting you say that... she knows that I like her...
Reply 7
The Thinker
Hmm interesting you say that... she knows that I like her...

You should have said that :p:

Its likely she does have feelings for you....
Reply 8
You should have said that :p:

Its likely she does have feelings for you....


I hope you are right! She has definetly become more friendly towards me since she has known...
I disagree, i talk to my best mates more than someone i fancy purely because i wouldnt want someone to go off me due to them knowing all my problems and everytime i was upset.

It changes as soon as you know that person likes you though because you trust them not to judge you and to support you instead. I'd tell my boyfriend anything and hes seen me in some states of drunkeness etc and i dont care because i know he wont run away :p:

That was exactly what I was about to say. :smile:
Reply 10
Are you the same guy that posted a thread asking whether the girl actually likes you back? Because if so it must be reaaaally confusing for you having everyone say she doesn't like you on one thread and that she does like you on this thread :redface:

In my opinion...I think she does like you.
Reply 11
nah... why would I ask the same question twice?:p:

Although that thread is similar...
Reply 12
Lol, oops, sorry! It just sounds pretty much exactly the same.
Reply 13
Yes, people they like. Doesn't mean there's any attraction beyond friendship though. Just a close friendship, which contrary to what some might say, is possible between males and females.
Well, I do that with people I like as more than a friend more than with people I just like as a friend. I'd say you have a good chance :p:
It depends, somethings i will confide in my boyfriend others i will confide in my best friend, sometimes both.
Reply 16
I hate to spoil the fun, but its doubtfull she likes you as more than just a good friend, otherwise she would of suggested it by now.
Girls do tend toonly confide in good friends, as they are the people they can trust the most and they wouldnt want to risk that with someone other than a good friend or parent.
Reply 17
Well it all depends on the person doesn't? Every girl will differ in the way in which they think.. (as stated before by L0RA) some may not wish to drive them away.. and others may think it will make them closer.

Through my experiences I have had a few very close female friends confide in me and as me for support - not a single one of them liked me as anything more than a friend.

So although both possibilities are possible, don't build up your hopes TOO much. After all "Hope is the first step to dissappointment"
Reply 18
She so likes you, i mean i have a lot of guy mates that i talk to bout sex problems and stuff but some of the things i tell my boyfriend i never thought id tell anyone! I certainly would never have rang up any of my guy mates in tears or anything just because i dont know what they wud say n stuff. However you 2 must have a really good special connection... Why dont u mayb ask her out without asking her outon a date sorta thing. see how it goes but make it slightly romantic or something? xxx
Reply 19
She so likes you, i mean i have a lot of guy mates that i talk to bout sex problems and stuff but some of the things i tell my boyfriend i never thought id tell anyone! I certainly would never have rang up any of my guy mates in tears or anything just because i dont know what they wud say n stuff. However you 2 must have a really good special connection... Why dont u mayb ask her out without asking her outon a date sorta thing. see how it goes but make it slightly romantic or something? xxx

haha, I don't know... she knows I like her so I think I am just going to leave it up to her for the time being. I have "shown my cards" so now it's up to her.