I don't think it was a mistake telling her in an email because it gave her the chance to think before replying, if it was face to face she would have the pressure of thinking about what the hell to say right there and then and the email I sent was very light hearted and relaxed, I didn't declare undying love, I just said that it appears I have fallen for her haha.
I could understand her acting strange but the thing she is not, everything is so unweird that it actually is weird hahaha. We are getting on really well, she is calling me much more than she used to and has "opened up". She has told me things that I don't think anyone else knows about, apart from her parents, which is what has puzzled me. Usually people feel self conscious or awkward when they are around people that they know like them.
You are probably right about why she was acting like she was when she was drunk. What made me wonder was that previously when she has been drunk she has avoided me but that time she did the opposite.
I dunno, I think I will just have to wait and see...