The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well.. first of all you have to figure out why you do it in the first place.

Do you drink because everyone else drinks?
If so, just start alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. You're not going to be able to come off it straight away.. you need to cut down.
Another good thing, is looking at how much money you've wasted on drinking already.
Try saving your money, and buying yourself something instead.
Reply 2
Hmm...I just...stopped drinking :confused:

I let myself have a few drinks on the weekend, as a treat, but I could easily go without.

I guess it depends on how much you drink to start with? Do you drink a lot? If you're worried that you're becoming dependent on alcohol there is nothing to be ashamed of in asking for help if you think you need it.
Reply 3
When i was 17.5 i decided to stop drinking every week..
I drink roughly every 4-6 weeks (it's been 15 months...)
Just get a goal n stick to it...
Reply 4
I always just stop dead. Like when i gave up coke and cohcolate, didnt bother with the whole slowly comming off of it thing, or not having them for a week then having a bit as a reward, that just dosent work for me.
Reply 5
My advice is don't stop drinking. Really.
Just like to say it's a shame you edited your whole post, because that was a really interesting read (I read it when you first posted). I think in your situation you should really look up all the damage it's doing to your health and maybe think of living a bit healthier. Are your experiences you've had so far really that great? Maybe you should make a change.
Reply 7
It depends how much you drink normally. If you drink a lot normally then I would consider going to see a doc who may refer you to someone who knows all about this kind of thing. The reason I mention this is that you can make your body very ill by coming off alcohol completely, if youre body has learnt to rely on it. Its like people coming off heroin, where they get given a substitute to lessen the effect. My friends husband had been drinking for so long that the doctor said although he needed to stop drinking asap, to do so immediately would cause him more harm than good.
However as is more likely, if you have a normal healthy student lifestyle, drinking too much, bingeing etc. think about what may work for you. For some people cutting down works, for others they have to completely cut out alcohol.
Reply 8
Just like to say it's a shame you edited your whole post, because that was a really interesting read (I read it when you first posted). I think in your situation you should really look up all the damage it's doing to your health and maybe think of living a bit healthier. Are your experiences you've had so far really that great? Maybe you should make a change.

I won't lie, I've had some wonderful experiences drinking. For example, last year I spent a week in Paris, most of which was very drunken and it was probably the best time of my life. Drinking's really fun- and of course that's the problem. That said, I did cut down over the summer as I was seeing an American girl who didn't drink and there I had almost as good a time as in Paris. I guess it's really the company one keeps. All of my friends are heavy boozers and all of my ex-gfs have been big drinkers.
Just think whats important to you...and you'll have the will power to do it!
I won't lie, I've had some wonderful experiences drinking. For example, last year I spent a week in Paris, most of which was very drunken and it was probably the best time of my life. Drinking's really fun- and of course that's the problem. That said, I did cut down over the summer as I was seeing an American girl who didn't drink and there I had almost as good a time as in Paris. I guess it's really the company one keeps. All of my friends are heavy boozers and all of my ex-gfs have been big drinkers.

Hmm I don't really know. Perhaps try telling your friends you want to cut down, and then only go out occasionally and drink?
Reply 11
Well.. first of all you have to figure out why you do it in the first place.

Do you drink because everyone else drinks?
If so, just start alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. You're not going to be able to come off it straight away.. you need to cut down.
Another good thing, is looking at how much money you've wasted on drinking already.
Try saving your money, and buying yourself something instead.

money spent on alcohol isnt wasted, and just stop drinking if you dont want to anymore.
Reply 12
What's the best way to give up drinking?

What the ****? Why the **** would anyone ever want to give up drinking? Seriously. After I read this post it was just like "is he alright?" There wasn't really a question, it was just one huge question mark.


Like when you drink too much and can't remember how you got there. Damn, I love doing that. You know its been a good night if you have to ask your friends what happened. You just wake up, and think "?". When did I even go to sleep? Why the hell am I here? Who threw water on my trousers? Oh, lets ignore that one.

Anyway, seriously, never give up drinking.

When I grow up I want to be an alcoholic.
Being a tee-totaller, can I just say that you can have a fantastic night without alcohol. You also don't wake up with a banging headache and you can actually remember what happend the night before.
Reply 14
Often I'd rather not remember the night before. Better to make up stories and pretend they happened. Drink lucozade to stop hangovers (that **** is the drink of gods). And you have a great time drunk. Since you often can't remember that you didn't.

Don't do it dude!
And you have a great time drunk. Since you often can't remember that you didn't.

Apart from the long-lasting health effects which will remind you of the times when you did drink too much
I am in this situation too, I realy want to give up drinking but i cannot seem to go withot alcohol. This week, I have spent nearky 60 pounds on alcohol and I am going out tomrrow night. My loan is almost gone and all I have done is gone out. I have put on nearly 2 stone since September and feel ill all the time, my skin and hair are also bad. I feel like I need the alcohol and have to have it when I go out. My housemates think that after a few drinks switching to just the mixer rather than double vodka and mixer will help to start cutting down, I don't know if this is something you have thought of?