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Reply 1
I was going to chip in until i found out that you weren't playing on my team.
Reply 2
I was going to chip in until i found out that you weren't playing on my team.

You mean you don't want to give advice because he's gay?
Tibia thats a bit mean wow 35,000 many pages is that :confused:
Reply 4
Love is only ever any good if its returned, thats not going to happen in this case. Maybe you could find a nice girl to go out with?
I'm sure this has all been heard before but I'm just seeking some opinions from other people due to the fact that - as you'd expect - talking about it with anyone I know is just a wee bit problematic :tongue:

Basically, I am 16. I am a boy. I am in love with a 15 year old. He is a boy. He is straight.

That's a brief surmation of the situation. I say "in love" and I imagine all you OAPs going "you're too young to love". I mean what I say, I have never felt this way about anyone before, and doubt I will for a while. It's consumptive love, it's destructive love, it's wholly obsessive love. I can't stop thinking about him, every minute with him is one I cherish and now - after two and a bit years at the same school - he's moving to a different country, after we've done our GCSEs.

Naturally this is depressing for me, I have these visions of a miraculous meeting where I confess everything and he wants to stay. It's more a delusion than a vision, I suppose. I've written one of the longest love letters ever (probably :tongue:), currently standing at just under 35,000 words, and I feel it would be easier just to send it to his new address when he's abroad, and hope he reads and replies. At 35,000 words, it's doubtful.

Anyway, I suppose the real reason I made this post was just asking for advice/opinions/other people's experiences, just to "lighten the load" on my mind, because it's utterly heartbreaking

you are joking about 35000 words right? Thats a small novel. And love is a 2 way thing, you're not in love, because he doesn't love you back. Id still send the message because if you don't you'd probably regret it forever.
Reply 6
I was going to chip in until i found out that you weren't playing on my team.

Why is gay love different to heterosexual love?!
Reply 7
Love is only ever any good if its returned, thats not going to happen in this case. Maybe you could find a nice girl to go out with?

Oh yes because if he's gay, he's really going to want to do that. Wtf?
you are joking about 35000 words right? Thats a small novel. And love is a 2 way thing, you're not in love, because he doesn't love you back. Id still send the message because if you don't you'd probably regret it forever.

I should just ask pig to donate all my rep points to you cause I want to rep you everyday.
Reply 9
i'd send the message, if he was mature and your freind, hopefully he will be flattered, but you do run the risk of having your heart broken. because more then likly, if he's straight nothing will ever happen :frown:

however this is a part of life, and you will fall for someone who does feel the same way for you.

Send the message, try and find out if there will or won't be anything between you two. if there is, great! if there isn't well at least thats closure and you won't end up thinking about what could have been!
Love is only ever any good if its returned, thats not going to happen in this case. Maybe you could find a nice girl to go out with?

Be Quiet.

if he's gay thats hardly fair on him or the girl.
Reply 11
this is like craig and jon paul on hollyoaks :biggrin: lol sorry hun, but u remind me of their situation

well in my opinion, not that it will make much difference, the fact he is straight tells me even if u tell him u like him (i wont use the word love because i dont think you are in love) will not make much difference except for the fact he may feel weird around u or when talking to u, knowing your feelings for him.
however, i understand this must be heartache for u and the feelings will probably stay with u for a while. to be honest i dont think there is a future for u and this boy, i know its hard to hear but u have to take a step back and look at are gay and he is straight.

that probably hasnt helped in the slightest but thought i would offer my opinion :smile:
Reply 12
It seems to me you know the futility of the situation, so all I can say really is commiserations. :frown: You've fallen hard, and as you've said it'll hurt for a while... but you will get over him and you will find someone else. No one will be the same, of course, but they might be better.

Consider sending the letter carefully. Is it something that you'd want to read, if you were sent one by a straight friend, one whom you couldn't even discuss it with, because there were in another country? At best it could be very awkward; worst, it could ruin any friendship that might be continued, should you see him again.

Obsessive love... is not healthy love. You're right: it consumes you, and makes you do things you might regret. It becomes an addiction. Wean yourself off this one.:smile:
Reply 13
You mean you don't want to give advice because he's gay?

Last time i remember i never had any unrequited love with a straight guy. So i can't help.

Why is gay love different to heterosexual love?!

Lets see. He likes a guy who is straight. That is 100% impossible. A geek falling in love with a popular girl is more realistic. All the geek has to do is look cool and learn social skills. He has to make a guy gay and then have him go out with him.
Reply 14
don't tell him. you may accuse me of stereotyping, but i doubt many 15-year old males would be able to respond maturely to that. feel young and unrequited and generally a tortured soul and Romantic. then, if your 35000 word love letter is good enough, publish it when you are old.
Thanks for the advice guys - most of you :tongue:

To those who say love can't exist unless it's mutual, what's this "unrequited love" phenomenon that's been around for centuries? Furthermore, those that say I'm not in love - I can't tell you how wrong you are. I don't mean to be rude but it's literally completely wrong. I know I am. I didn't bore you with details about how super-duper he is and how nervous I get when I'm around him, but I feel it all.

And 35,000 words, that should speak for itself really

i know how you feel because i've been there :smile:

good luck anyway
Reply 17
it quality not quantity.
u could say all u need to say in a sentence,no need for a book
Reply 19
I doubt he'd read the whole thing. Like in that episode of friends, Ross actualy was interested in Rachel and still didn't finish it because the letter was too long.

Either cut it down dramatically, or talk to him. Even then, what are you expecting to happen?