The Student Room Group

UWE/Cardiff for LPC?

I've had an offer through for the FT LPC at UWE....but I'm rather hoping Cardiff will offer me a place...they're both on a par for excellence ratings, but I was hoping someone could advise me...

If Cardiff don't offer me a place, is UWE a 'lesser' institution to go for, i do speak from ignorance here but wasn't it a polytech at one time? I know that shouldn't matter but law firms are notoriously picky as many law students will know and i just want to do what's best for securing a job! I've no intention of going for the magic/silver circle...

Can any UWE LPC students advise me as to whether it's an offer to seriously consider? I want to stay in Cardiff for family/financial reasons....

Reply 1
UWE has an excellent reputation for the LPC - although it's a 'new' university, it's overall reputation is a separate issue and isn't something you need to worry about. In fact, I know someone with a training contract whose firm wanted him to go either to somewhere in London or UWE... he had to negotiate Cardiff! On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the LPC at Cardiff, so I'd definitely recommend it if you do get a place.