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Reply 1
I've always known myself:p:

Okay, to be serious I don't know really. I'm a first year student and to be honest I don't think I do know myself any better no. And with developing social abilities I guess I've gotten better at chatting with people I've never met before but I was never really shy to begin with
Reply 2
No I'm loads more sociable back home!
I can talk to people more but I can't bring myself out my shell. Maybe because I am not involved in any extra curricular
Reply 4
I've learnt just to chat randomly to people & worry less about wot I say, half the time the people I'm socialising with are drunk anyway. But I don't think I know myself better but I do know more things I like/don't like doing just from having more opportunities.
Yes. I'm still rather hopeless though.
For those who attend uni, would you say you have developed your social abilities while there? Would you say you know yourself better?

Yep, definitely. Most of my good friends now I met in 1st and 2nd year of uni, with a few exceptions.
Reply 7
I, for one, have DEFINITELY improved my social skills.. vastly improved.. Although still not Mr Shining Confidence, I can socialise a lot easier in groups, and find it easier to keep conversations with people..

As for discovering ones-self... well, not to be big-headed, but I've always been quite "self-aware" and although I've changed, my abilities of knowing myself well haven't.

Hope this helps :smile:
I've involved myself in a lot of extra-curricular activities, and I think I've developed quite well so far. You do definitely get out of university what you put in -- it's up to you to work hard to get the best out of it.
Reply 9
yeh its true, uni/college basically new environments may develop or damage your social skills
Reply 10
I'd like to think I have. I mean, when you're thrown into a situation where you don't know anyone it's really sink or swim. But now I've settled with a group of friends at Uni it's kinda decreasing again. But then a drop of booze usually breaks down inhibitions a little on a night out. Which can be good as well as bad.
Reply 11
Before Uni I'd slipped into this kinda quiet, reclusive lifestyle. I intended to get out of that rut at uni and for a few days I did, but I gradually slipped back into my old self. Which is fine, I've made friends who enjoy a similar way of living, we don't need to go out 6 nights a week and are content to just hang out.

So I did find myself, just turns out I already knew it!
Yeah I've got more confidence. However, I am now quiet because I choose to be, rather than because I think nothing I could say would be good enough!

And I've discovered new talents as well. Who'd know I would enjoy public speaking for goodness sake? :eek:
Reply 13
i'm pretty much the same
to be painfully honest, i reckon my social skills have got worse. I thought the independance and clean slate would be good for me. And it was. But now, 15 weeks in I have so much work that i dont have any time to socialise (i only go out like once a week now) and Im always in a bad mood because im so stressed. So i can never be that charming or sociable and dont have that many friendships that mean much to me. Skipping into sixth form every morning with nothing to worry about kinda made me more sociable and friendly i think. And I had loads of friends I was really close to. haha i WANT my childhood back!! :mad:

Oh, that was really melodramatic. im sorry. Im sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. Its gonna be 9-5 everyday from now until I retire :biggrin:

(oh yeah in response to the OP: yes, but dont do physics okay? lol)
Reply 15
Honnestlyfor me thats a hell yes!!!

Like there are people around you 24/7 soyou do have to adjust in hindsight starting uni only made me wish that I was more sociable before:frown:
Uni has worked wonders for me! It is definately worth going not only for a taste of the experience but it brought my personal skills right up to scratch.
Ah well it was worth a go i thought
Uni is awesome
but anyway - yea university is definately worth it - it will make you more sociable everywhere!