The Student Room Group

I laughed at his small one

Basically I pulled this lad at the club last weekend, he was sweet n all that so we kissed and i suggest goin 2 my house, so this is where my problem is cuz i dared him to get it out and he was shy, but he got it out and it was so small and i couldn't help laughing at it and then he stormed off angrily.
I didn't mean 2 laugh at him but i just found it funny but in a good way u know what i mean, i did get his number and i have txted him several times 2 say i was sorry. but he won't txt back, what do i do? :frown:

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Err.. How small was it that you couldnt hold in a laugh?
I have no idea, you were kinda mean, and being shy and all he may have low self esteem, and maybe paranoid about it anyway. So I don't know :frown:
just wait for him to reply. there's nothingo u can really do, cos u've already apologised...

are u gonna bump into him anytime soon?
So it's true, size does matter. And I would say tit for tat. You embarrased him you have to do something embarrasing to make up for it.
And how in the hell can you laugh at his dick "in a good way"?
Ann-Marie xx )
I have no idea, you were kinda mean, and being shy and all he may have low self esteem, and maybe paranoid about it anyway. So I don't know
Kinda mean? She was downright nasty.
Reply 5
I thought it was cute bein small i don't know if i will see him at the club tonight
Well obviously he didn't realise you meant it being cute.
Reply 7
Ann-Marie xx )
Well obviously he didn't realise you meant it being cute.

As I think anyone would have done in the same situation.
And I don't see how a dick can be "cute". WTF does that mean?
Sounds like a troll. If this is true the poor kid is probably scarred for life :frown:
I tried to explain but he just stormed off :frown: he's a sweet nice guy
Reply 11
Wow... You do realize that for many guys that's the ultimate insult, right? I don't blame him for reacting the way he did. You probably came off as extremely shallow and immature, and to be honest, if I were him I'd forget I'd ever met you. Whether he'd forgive you, that I don't know, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
it was a one night stand why are you so worried about his feelings?

Just forget about it and tell your girly mates all about it and then you can all laugh.

And if he does see you at the club then he will probably avoid like the plague, what you did is the biggest insult/ego slammer next to asking "is it in yet?" I doubt very much even teh most arrogant egotistical male will forget it in a hurry
:ditto: to protoman
Melissa Twinga
Basically I pulled this lad at the club last weekend, he was sweet n all that so we kissed and i suggest goin 2 my house, so this is where my problem is cuz i dared him to get it out and he was shy, but he got it out and it was so small and i couldn't help laughing at it and then he stormed off angrily.
I didn't mean 2 laugh at him but i just found it funny but in a good way u know what i mean, i did get his number and i have txted him several times 2 say i was sorry. but he won't txt back, what do i do? :frown:

oh you crossed the line! you NEVER do that to a guy, do you know what you did to him? Probably put him off girls for life.
Gotta agree with Protoman. As you already realise you ****ed up big time.
Reply 16
And I don't see how a dick can be "cute". WTF does that mean?

Put yourself in his position, what would you do?
Reply 18
Seriously, if it wasn't bad enough he had low self-esteem before, I dread to think how he feels now.

There's nothing you can do to be honest, you've basically hit him hard and fast (mentally) where it hurts! Just wait it out, you've apologized, there's nothing more you can do.
Just forget about it and tell your girly mates all about it and then you can all laugh.
Question for the gals. Can you really be that bitchy if he's done nothing wrong? I mean I could understand it if he went around telling everyone all the gory details or said you were crap in bed, but as he's done nothing wrong would really be that bitchy?