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Well if hurts you then yes, but that's just like any loud music!
NEVER NEVER NEVER. the fatter the bass, the better. rave out in your vehicle.
Reply 3
Yes, they probably are bad for your ears in the long term, but only if used at loud volumes. The problem in my car is on the motorway i have to have the music loud as the car is old and so quite loud.

Will be sound deadening the car at easter, and that should allow me to not have the music so loud, and hear it more clearly.
Reply 4
Any volumes over 90dB is bad for your hearing, but the effects are usually temporary (ringing ears). I recently did a Pendulum gig at uni which i worked and was standing by the speaker stacks getting bombarded by 12x18" subwoofers and my ears were bleeding and i couldn't hear for a week. Fecking awesome gig mind!

If it hurts, turn it down a tad and also adjust your Xover lever to around 80-100Hz

Reply 5
If your ears are hurting then it's bad, lol.
Reply 6
yeah, and if your ears are bleeding.. thats very very bad..
Reply 7
That was grahams brain leaking out :wink:
Reply 8
lol this is probably the worst question ive ever heard, of course they are bad for your ears
Reply 9
dont know why your ears were bleeding, they only bleed from the eardrum if you get hit in the temple
Reply 10
Nor do i, and it was very scary but i put a tissue in my ear and it came out with blood on it...if you have heard Pendulum and have that playing at 110dB you will realise why :biggrin:

JC, i don't have brains to leak out :wink:

Subs are not bad for your ears, they are only bad for your hearing when they are either too loud or the XOver is too high.

Reply 11
What; per se?

Only if you insert them, I would imagine.
A sub produces bass obviously and this is no worse for you than trebble and mid range and the same volumes - when a sub is fitted to a car then it is usually louder than the other components - thats why it appears to create the hearing loss - simple reduce the gain on the amp and you will have a perfect combination of mids and rolling bass.
Reply 13
...and also make sure your crossover frequencies are correct, so below 80Hz is bass and sent to the sub, 80-2000Hz is middle and 2000Hz to 20,000Hz for treble.

If you have your sub crossover frequency too high you will get too much bass and very muddy.

Its all about playing and get a Graphic EQ...but then again i am a sound engineer so i am very pernickity about sound and an audiophile! I am paid to make something sound good. Frankly you will never get a good sound out of a car, the physics behind sound means that bass will always be louder than any other frequencies.

Reply 14
u know it isnt just bad for your ears, u could also suffer from a collapsed lung if the bass is powerful enough. i think there have been cases of boy racers with collapsed lungs from excessive bass levels, but pretty much any bass powerful enough to shake u a bit could cause some serious damage. juts turn it down a little, enjoy the music without the pain :wink:
My car sub runs at 20000W, producing 200db.

Shall I get another, crank it up and go round streets flattening peoples lungs?
Reply 16
20,000W and produces

I think we have found a new secret weapon to kill Tony Blair! Go through London past Downing Street, crank it up to full with Tarantula, Pendulum playing and wait for the devestation to begin!
Reply 17
20,000W and produces

I think we have found a new secret weapon to kill Tony Blair! Go through London past Downing Street, crank it up to full with Tarantula, Pendulum playing and wait for the devestation to begin!

im playing that now, i dont want to die :frown:
20,000W and produces

I think we have found a new secret weapon to kill Tony Blair! Go through London past Downing Street, crank it up to full with Tarantula, Pendulum playing and wait for the devestation to begin!

I wish mate, lol.

It's just one of those silly questions, kinda like the one the OP asked.
Reply 19
:biggrin: I knew you were joking, no car could ever produce 20,000Watts and 20,000W would produce alot more than 200dB in a car!

Having a speaker capable of handling 20,000w would also mean that basically your whole car was a speaker!