The Student Room Group

Inviting a girl you fancy to your party.

Basically i'm having a shindig tommorow night and invited a great girl who i haven't known for long but everytime we speak it just feels great, we get on soo well and i'd love to take it further.

Having a free house tommorow i sorted out a shindig for some friends and invited her along. Buses and trains are kind of crap where we live so i got her a lift sorted with a friend from that town. Sadly he has an Officer interview weekend thing at Sandhurst and so can't come. I'll text her tomorrow but don't know if i should drive and pick her up or ask her to get the 40min bus alone? I don't want to freak her out with the lift but conversly i don't want her to feel awkward on a long bus journey to a party where she'll hardly know anyone.

Also i dont want to do anything stupid but i know that we'll all end up rather drunk and my female friends will be soo stoked at the possibilty of me getting a girlfriend it could get pretty awkward.

I know i'd be soo annoyed if i turned down this oppurtunity to get to know her better but it has only been a short aquantance and i dont want to ruin it by doing something we'll regret.

Any advice? Is inviting a girl you adore to a gathering of friends a good idea??
Depends on where you ask her. I wouldnt ask her in full view of my friends, but try & get her alone. Trust me, I've done this before & it hurts when it doesnt go to plan. Try not to make it seem the 'be all, end all' Try & get her on her own, but it is no gaurantee at all. Poor girl.
Reply 2
Know Your Enemy
Poor girl.

You're making me feel bad now; i don't mean to imply that i'm just inviting her for my sake, it's more like inviting her for a drink as we're both 17 so can't always get served.

I know she'd have a good time its more doing something stupid when we're both drunk or my friends being awkward and taking all the beds leaving us to JUST SLEEP in the same bed. I was worried it may be rushing it a bit inviting her to my gathering, but she seems up for it at least.
You're making me feel bad now; i don't mean to imply that i'm just inviting her for my sake, it's more like inviting her for a drink as we're both 17 so can't always get served.

I know she'd have a good time its more doing something stupid when we're both drunk or my friends being awkward and taking all the beds leaving us to JUST SLEEP in the same bed. I was worried it may be rushing it a bit inviting her to my gathering, but she seems up for it at least.

Awfully sorry, I didnt mean it to come across that way :frown: Look, at this point in time, you are both just friends so why would you feel guilty about inviting her to your place? Just text her & see if she fancies a drink with you & your mates. If you're already friends then thats 50% of the battle already won :smile: Good luck :biggrin:
Reply 4
Know Your Enemy
Awfully sorry, I didnt mean it to come across that way :frown: Look, at this point in time, you are both just friends so why would you feel guilty about inviting her to your place? Just text her & see if she fancies a drink with you & your mates. If you're already friends then thats 50% of the battle already won :smile: Good luck :biggrin:

Cheers for that advice, i'll definately invite her :rolleyes: .

Do you have any advice for the transport? Car might be a bit OTT, especially as it's like 50min round trip and i don't even know exactly where she lives and meeting her parents for the first time in the context: "i've driven out here to take your daughter back to my house", might not come across too well. But bus's are ****e.
Could get a friend living nearer her to pick her up, one even offered to on the false pretence he had to go to the nokia shop in that town, but i don't want any part of me to be dishonest to her, she deserves much better.
Cheers for that advice, i'll definately invite her :rolleyes: .

Do you have any advice for the transport? Car might be a bit OTT, especially as it's like 50min round trip and i don't even know exactly where she lives and meeting her parents for the first time in the context: "i've driven out here to take your daughter back to my house", might not come across too well. But bus's are ****e.
Could get a friend living nearer her to pick her up, one even offered to on the false pretence he had to go to the nokia shop in that town, but i don't want any part of me to be dishonest to her, she deserves much better.

Umm, first I'd make sure she is definitely coming & then I'd arrange how she is going to get there. She might have a plan of her own i:e parents taking her etc.