The Student Room Group

Slightly intimidated by friend

I don't know how to explain this properly, but I'll give it a go.

Me and this guy have almost completely the same personality. Care-free, sarcastic, yet still funny and lovable. We're in the same group of friends, and I'm the "newbie" of the bunch. They all know each other but I started hanging around with them in September since joining sixth form.

The thing is, because his sense of humour and personality traits are similar to mine, I find it hard to be myself and relaxed with them. Because I feel a bit pressured by the alikeness, they all think I'm quiet, depressed, rarely funny, and a bit weird. I'm only myself with one of them who thinks I'm off my head and hilarious. Which I think I am too. But I can't be myself around the others.

The only differences between us are he's slightly taller and a bit chubby, whereas I'm the shortest and scrawniest. I'm the "little man" out of us. He's also very judgemental, and he thinks I'm depressed and continues to call me it, but I just want to be myself, and not so self-conscious.

Any ideas? :frown: I'm always constantly thinking if they think I'm funny, if they think I have any individuality, whether I'm good to be around etc etc. I just want to relax and be me around them.
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Any advice at all??
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be yourself.

get a bit tipsy or something first
be yourself slowly around one member at a time