The Student Room Group

Best boarding high schools in London


I am trying to help a friend, who is an international highschool student, to get into a good boarding high school in London for a year - Im sure most people from here know the answer to my question.

Could you please tell me what are the BEST boarding high schools in London?

If you are not sure, please ask ppl around :smile:

Note: the guy is 15 so he would enter into the year that finishes with GCSEs - is that possible? - to enter for a year and finish with GCSE? He has no previous British qualification.

Or should he go into an IB school?

Thanks so much :smile:

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Reply 1
Eton maybe?
Reply 2
I doubt very much that any good boarding school will accept a student into the final year of GCSEs as most of the material is covered in the first year. Most IB schools in the UK do GCSEs as well, unless he enters an American school, but I don't know if ASL is boarding (the other American schools are in the Windsor area, which might be a bit far out if you're looking for central LondoN). My school (all girls so not very useful for you!) won't accept students into year 11, but will allow them to 'go back a year' into year 10.
Reply 3
go IB!
Reply 4
Dulwich College?

Not quite as good as Alleyn's School - but its boarding. You could easily get to the centre of London (by car) within 30 minutes.
Reply 5
Eton. If your friend did some stuff from gcses already and can prove it, they might allow him to transfer to year 11.
there are loads of other private ones in london, most of them are daily though(e.g. westminster st.pauls) and the boarding ones are not that great
Reply 6
Eton. If your friend did some stuff from gcses already and can prove it, they might allow him to transfer to year 11.
there are loads of other private ones in london, most of them are daily though(e.g. westminster st.pauls) and the boarding ones are not that great

Wrong, Westminister is a boarding school as is St Pauls.

There are only eight boarding schools for boys in London:
- Westminister Cathedral Choir School (boys only)
- St Pauls School (boys only)
- Dulwich College (boys only)
- Mill Hill School (co-ed)
- Eltham College (boys only)
- St James' School (co-ed)
- Forest School (co-ed)
- Westminster (boys school up til sixth form, then its co-ed)

As has been said there aren't any IB schools as such in London, apart from the American school, its only offered at sixth form. The only school I know that offers just the IB is the official IB school in Wales.
Reply 7
Wrong, Westminister is a boarding school as is St Pauls.

There are only eight boarding schools for boys in London:
- Westminister Cathedral Choir School (boys only)
- St Pauls School (boys only)
- Dulwich College (boys only)
- Mill Hill School (co-ed)
- Eltham College (boys only)
- St James' School (co-ed)
- Forest School (co-ed)
- Westminster (boys school up til sixth form, then its co-ed)

As has been said there aren't any IB schools as such in London, apart from the American school, its only offered at sixth form. The only school I know that offers just the IB is the official IB school in Wales.

i didnt know about
dont go mill hill, because it is as expensive as st pauls, but quite crap.
Reply 8
Dulwich College?

Not quite as good as Alleyn's School - but its boarding. You could easily get to the centre of London (by car) within 30 minutes.


much better than the pathetic excuse for a school that is

Alleyns = combination of Dulwich + JAGs rejects.
Reply 9

much better than the pathetic excuse for a school that is

Alleyns = combination of Dulwich + JAGs rejects.

I dunno where you get your information from - but its quite clearly wrong.
I heard it was rather the opposite - those who could escape DC - did - and went to Alleyn's.
you have clearly been brainwashed.

why anyone would want to go to Alleyns is baffling for me.
your only major *selling point* is the fact that youre a mixed
school...which means interaction with the opposite sex during
class and inbetween...DC + JAGs can only do this after school
(and of course during Liberal Studies) so that more or less
negates your only, so called advantage. In everything else
Dulwich is far more superior. if Alleyns was a boys school
i wouldnt be suprised if they performed worse than Kingsdale :wink:!

Reply 11

I'm quite sure someone has been brainwashed - and I'm pretty sure it's not me!
You out perform Alleyn's in everyway? We trashed you (while I was there) more often than not in ANY sport. League Tables - we beat you guys all the time. The only thing DC has got going for itself is the architecture. As you clearly noticed - we have male/female interaction - something you guys can only dream of and it can never be compensated.
except outside school..which is where it should belong.
and wow pretty sure that Dulwich does infact
have a 0% pass rate in GCSE maths + english :wink:

and when did you leave? in the 1980s or something?
isnt that a blue coat school?
Reply 14
Ach- just to clear anything up.

Eton is in Windsor...not London.

London does not incorporate the entire South East. Windsor is not part of London.

*rant over*

Thank you
Reply 15
Westminster is THE best.

St. Paul's comes close though :p:

As pointed out above, Eton isn't in London!! So it doesn't count. Even so, Westminster and St. Paul's both tower over Eton considerably.
isnt Westminster a day school only?

so they shouldnt even be here.
Reply 17
isnt Westminster a day school only?

so they shouldnt even be here.

Nope, it's a day and boading school.
ooh..things must have changed since i applied there i guess...
Reply 19
ooh..things must have changed since i applied there i guess...

Haha- no, you were just wrong.