With respect to you, you need to grow up. Chores are the way of life, you're going to have to do them when you do eventually move out/ in with someone/ have a family, and you'll have a lot moreo nyour plate than just studying, or working as the case may be.
You've had it easy this far, look at that as a positive. What they're trying to do is bring you up to scratch with the rest of society- how many people do you know, friends etc., who don't do anything around the house to help? I don't know any. I do wonder, out of interest, do you pay to live there? I assume not, as you're a student and you seem to have very understanding parents. Just wait until you enter real-life when you've got bills to arrange, cooking, cleaning- of the entire house not just your own room, alongside having to work. If you don't get used to it now, as your parents are indicating, how on earth do you expect to survive [atleast respectibly] once you're on your tod?
Really, you've had it good for long enough- treat them with respect and stop expecting them to look after you; it's not going to last forever.