The Student Room Group

Tiny growth on eyelid

I've just noticed a tiny growth on my lower eyelid,it's sort of like a collection of tiny pearls, eek and having googled , I'm sure that it's basal cell carcinoma, but it can't be because I'm only 18 however fair-skinned, blonde, jeez surely it can't be carcinoma(cancer), I will go to see GP on Monday, really freaking out here....anyone else have any experience of eyelid lumpy things, its'disrupting my eyelashes btw, (not a good sign),and of course my parents are away,(med student btw so probably over-reacting).:s-smilie:
Reply 1
Could also be Meiboiam Cysts which is where the small glands in the eyelid get blocked and swell up.
I've just noticed a tiny growth on my lower eyelid,it's sort of like a collection of tiny pearls, eek and having googled , I'm sure that it's basal cell carcinoma, but it can't be because I'm only 18 however fair-skinned, blonde, jeez surely it can't be carcinoma(cancer), I will go to see GP on Monday, really freaking out here....anyone else have any experience of eyelid lumpy things, its'disrupting my eyelashes btw, (not a good sign),and of course my parents are away,(med student btw so probably over-reacting).:s-smilie:

It is not basal cell carcinoma
alot fo people have lttile white pearls around their eyes, especially just under their eye and on the lid.
also common is little skin tags there.
Reply 3
I think i saw this on diet doctors or something like that hehe, and it can sometimes be a sign of high cholesterol (sp?), but i know a lot of people have this.
That sounds a lot like a sty (spelling?)

They go eventually...and are caused a lot of the time by being in a smokey or dusty place. It hurts when you blink, right?
It could be fat deposits under the skin? To be honest, you're doing the best think going to the doctor, no one here can diagnose you and no offence, but google can't either! :p: Try not to worry in the meantime, although I know thats easier said than done. :hugs:
a sty
Reply 7
Prob a stye. If youre freaking out a lot is there an NHS walk in centre around? Get someone to have a look at it for you? Otherwise a Pharmacist should be able to tell you what it is, and whether you need to worry about it.
walk in centre?
OOH primary care / normal primary care (GP or practice nurse) appt?

searching the internet to try and diagnose yourself is not a good idea

searching the internet once you have a diagnosis from a Registered Healthcare Professional is to be applauded ...
Reply 9
Reply 10
Lol I'm not sure why so many people ask for medical advice on TSR! As people have rightly advised, you should see a pharmacist or your GP. :smile:
Reply 11
Reeeeally long shot here, but my mum always said to prevent stys getting worse once you notice them, rub a gold ring on them.

Probably an old wives tale, and it may not be a sty at all, but why not give it a go, can't hurt now can it!
Reply 12
"Most styes will drain on their own though this may be accelerated with a hot or warm compress. Styes typically resolve within 1 week with treatment. Since a stye is technically a pimple, it can be popped. However, doing so is not recommended without technical expertise."
Reply 13
Thanks for all the input guys:smile: However after a sleepless night I finally located my Uncle (Consultant Opthalmic Surgeon), and after examining peculiar growth on margin of lower eyelid is going to do a biopsy tomorrow:eek: :eek: , as "it" looks suspect, apparently he is encountering these "growths" in young people on a fairly frequent basis,and says that people of all ages should wear good quality sun-glasses, "thing" looks like tiny bunch of grapes btw, I just want it to be gone:mad:
:eek: I don't even own sunglasses, I don't like the look and I find wearing glasses uncomfortable :confused:
Ive had a skintag type thing on my right eyelid as long as i can remember. it annoys me because it makes my eyes slightly different sizes, but it doesnt hurt. It also makes my eye makeup look uneven.
Probably not a sty as Ive had it for yonks, but a skin tag maybe as I used to have them on my inner arms.