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My 10 year old brother drives me insane....

I'm 18 and normally I'm a cool calm and collected person. The only exception to this is when I am with my 10 year old brother when I turn into a monster. To give an example half an hour ago I asked him to help me clear up his dinner and he told me to **** off so I tried to act calm and asked him not to swear to which I received another foul mouthed response. I just walked away and went to clear everything up and then came back to the computer and asked if he would come off in 15 minutes as I needed to write an essay. I didn't demand that he come straight off or anything but all I get is him saying he wasn't gonna come off and that I should go **** myself etc I then walked over to him and asked him nicely if it would be OK if he came off and that if he could stop swearing at me. He then stuck his finger up at me right in my face and I just lost it and whacked him on the head.

The end result is that he's run off in tears screaming 'I don't care anymore, have the computer'. I know I've hurt him but I genuinely don't know what to do, he takes absolutely no notice of me otherwise. In the past my step dad has said to me don't hit him just tell us and we'll deal with it but they never do...

My brother is fine with me whenever my mum is around but as soon as she goes out he just plays up enormously and I'm worried both for his own future welfare, if he acts like this around the wrong person he will truly get the **** kicked out of him, and also I fear one day I will really lose the plot with him and really hurt him. Normally all I give him is a bit of a slap.

What can I do?

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My brother used to be terribly behaved (swearing, biting, etc etc) and he annoyed the hell out of me, I'd be mean to him and he run off screaing/crying. In retrospect I probably didn't help by being so mean to him and now he has matured (age 14.5) into a calm person and I feel bad for all those times i was mean to him.

I guess just take a few hints fro supernanny and try to be authoratative but "nice".
Reply 2
10 year old swearing!!! First of all, possibly a lack of discipline could be the cause. Im presuming he is the youngest in the house, i treat my lil bro like a kid all the time in terms of helping him get his own way or looking after them all the time and being over protective - hes now 17 and i still do it! What you need to do is sit and talk to him, i know hes 10 but u need to explain that what hes doing is really irritating u and find out what the causes are. If it gets real bad, just film him and use it as a threat that ur gonna show ur rents what hes really like
Reply 3
I'm sure he'll grow up in a few years. In the mean time, just walk away calmly, and ask your parents to deal with him and discipline him, for his own future.
Reply 4
10 year old swearing!!! First of all, possibly a lack of discipline could be the cause. Im presuming he is the youngest in the house, i treat my lil bro like a kid all the time in terms of helping him get his own way or looking after them all the time and being over protective - hes now 17 and i still do it! What you need to do is sit and talk to him, i know hes 10 but u need to explain that what hes doing is really irritating u and find out what the causes are. If it gets real bad, just film him and use it as a threat that ur gonna show ur rents what hes really like

Yeah I am not surprised he knows swear words, every 10 year old kid does, it's not so much the fact he swears at me, it's his totally lack of respect for me that I find so infuriating.

I left him for half an hour then went and spoke to him but he refuses to even speak to me now. I know by tomorrow we'll be getting along fine but it's only so long before it happens again! It's hard to talk to him about it because I just get the same response or he just looks at me laughs and says 'violence doesn't work'.

I like the idea of filming him but I'm not sure he'd care that much, he'd just spin it around and being the youngest in the house, I'd get the blame for getting him into that state. (even when I make the most reasonable requests.)
Reply 5
He sounds a bit disturbed for a 10 year old.
Well in terms of swearing, I started when I was about 11-12 and stopped a year later. It's a phase, in this case because I heard my brother, who I always look up to, swearing. There are tons of phases in life. Do you swear a lot yourself (even around your own friends or when you forget something, etc?)

Anyway, he honesty doesn't sound that bad for a 10 yr old, he has a big temper and needs a little discipline, but consideirng what you can see on the internet and TV nowadays, its no wonder he's acting up.

Good luck though, there's some great answers in this thread!
Reply 7
hahaha i knw what u mean, well all you do is claim your respect, give him a beating of his life every and any time he swears at you, after 3 or 4 trys he wont dare... he wont even hgave to be asked to do anything :wink: ...sounds a bit extreme but sometimes force is the only way necessary.
hahaha i knw what u mean, well all you do is claim your respect, give him a beating of his life every and any time he swears at you, after 3 or 4 trys he wont dare... he wont even hgave to be asked to do anything :wink: ...sounds a bit extreme but sometimes force is the only way necessary.

LOL, and your location is: Mike Tyson's house! :p:
Reply 9
LOL, and your location is: Mike Tyson's house! :p:

:proud: :toofunny:
Are you male or female, OP?
Reply 11

Anyway, he honesty doesn't sound that bad for a 10 yr old, he has a big temper and needs a little discipline, but consideirng what you can see on the internet and TV nowadays, its no wonder he's acting up.

Good luck though, there's some great answers in this thread!

Doesn't seem that bad for a 10 year old? I'm 19 and I won't swear to my parents or siblings. And I didn't even when I did go through a rebelling stage. It's a matter of respect which at 10 you should really have! Sure you will be cheeky but if I had swore at anyone when I was 10 I would get a severe telling off!

I think you should talk to your parents about it, suggest that everytime he swears he has to put money in a pot. That way when he learns to stop swearing he can have a treat with the money he has had to put away.
He does need some discipline!
Exactly the same with my 9yr old brother who's ten soon, he doesn't swear though he's fine when my parents are around but soonb as they're gone he plays up and is really hard to control, you just need to have that will power OP and cope in the stressful situation ignore him, don't sure you're angry stressed etc, He'll get bored of it in the end.
It's a matter of respect which at 10 you should really have!

Like I said, I passed the stage, its a phase, don't ignore it, but don't see it as a life threatenting thing. And one more thing, since when do the little ones have respect???
And one more thing, the OP said that he started when the parents LEFT, so he doesn't swear at them, yes siblings is bad too, but not as bad as parents.
Doesn't seem that bad for a 10 year old? I'm 19 and I won't swear to my parents or siblings. And I didn't even when I did go through a rebelling stage. It's a matter of respect which at 10 you should really have! Sure you will be cheeky but if I had swore at anyone when I was 10 I would get a severe telling off!

I think you should talk to your parents about it, suggest that everytime he swears he has to put money in a pot. That way when he learns to stop swearing he can have a treat with the money he has had to put away.
He does need some discipline!

Hmm, I swear in front of my family and always have done (since I was about 9 or 10 probably). I wouldn't swear AT them though. Except my mother. Who I often swear at, shout at, and generally lose my temper with. But meh, she lost my respect years ago anyway.
Reply 16
Godfather his ass man :p:, if it was a sister i wldnt advise that though lol, i don't think girls are like that anyway
Reply 17
Toy Soldier: I'm male
TheDutchy: Yeah he's not THAT bad, he could be worse but even so he still drives me ****ing crazy... I have to admit I do swear too much, I think thats part of the problem. i don't swear at him though I just use it in casual speech without realising it...
Godfather: I've tried that philosophy but it doesn't seem to work long term, within a few days he'll be exactly the same!
Luize: I do know kids who are far worse, its not like he pours paint over the car or anything like that. I think it's because he's the youngest, when I was his age I would have been told off but then he only does it when my parents aren't around!
Godfather his ass man :p:, if it was a sister i wldnt advise that though lol, i don't think girls are like that anyway

In my experience, big brothers and little sisters usually get on well (plenty of sibling fights of course, but that's natural). The relationship tends to be more "protective" though. Big sisters and little brothers on the other hand is different. I didn't get on with my older sister very well until I was nearer 14 / 15.

Brothers on the other hand, heheh, brothers fight. It's the way of the world.
Reply 19
You have to keep trying, show him some brotherly love too at times... he will learn to respect and liek u as an older bro