The Student Room Group
Reply 1
This has been asked a few times before, but since TSR is such a nightmare to search I might as well give my opinion anyway...

Men and women can easily be great friends, but perhaps not "very close" as you mention. I have many friends who are girls, but that doesn't mean I fancy all of them!
Reply 2
Blokes will say yes, women will say no.

Most of them anyway.
Despite having a lot of female friends, I always get the feeling they suspect something of me, like I'm going to suddenly lunge at them...

I personally think yes, there's some friends of mine who I'm close to that I wouldn't dream of crossing boundaries with. Some girls seem to think that guys are incapable of that though.:frown:
Reply 4
I dont mean in the case of just friends, but more in a case of where there is a really really deep friendship. Im thinking Lost in Translation style.
Reply 5

but then, my best (guy) mate is gay. so that kinda makes a difference i think!
Reply 6
Why yes, yes they can.

I dont mean in the case of just friends, but more in a case of where there is a really really deep friendship. Im thinking Lost in Translation style.

Hmm.... I'm really really close with one of my friends, she says we're like boyfriend and girlfriend but without the physical stuff...

In moments of weakness I do sometimes wonder, but I know the boundary will never be crossed
Reply 8
Its possible to have platonic friendships, however I think the closer friends become it does develop an opportunity to grow into something more, but not all the time.
It really depends on the pair of friends in general and their dynamic
I'm planning on lunging at my best guy friend tonight, but he better already know its coming :p:
Reply 10
I'm planning on lunging at my best guy friend tonight, but he better already know its coming :p:

Good luck with that :p:
I'm planning on lunging at my best guy friend tonight, but he better already know its coming :p:

Sounds like fun!
heheh thanks, I'm meeting him in 30 minutes.
I mainly get along with girls but one of my best friends is a guy (straight... and it's a purely platonic friendship). We've been friends for 4 years now and do heaps of cool stuff together like rock climbing, biking etc. He has a girlfriend atm though so I don't get to see him much these days.
yes it is possible.
i have some guy friends who i would never think of them as anything more than friends.
but then there are other ones, and i could think of them as more than friends

it depends on the guy and girl... but you surely you can be friends with the opposite sex. after all you cannot fall in love with all your guy friends :smile:
Reply 15
Plenty of these before.
Possible? Yes.
Common? Less so.
This is a difficult question. I think in many friendships between men and women there maybe the want for something more from either party, but if nothing happens then all it is is a friendship. I think girls find it easier to be just friends with men, not sure why that is, but it mostly seems to be men who say it can't happen. I find guys easier to be friends with usually, they are less easily offended and unlike girls if you upset they tell you and therefore give you the chance to apologise.