The Student Room Group

My auntie has died

Just got a phone call this morning from my Mum to tell me my Auntie Mary has died. It's come as quite a shock and has thrown the family for several reasons. I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling right now. She was only 61.

Firstly, she is the first of my parents generation in my family to die.

She had a stroke yesterday while out shopping with my uncle. On hearing this, another of my aunties has become terriblely upset as she only had a stoke last year and now she is very worried.

My Dad is apparently feeling very cold, but sweating a huge amount. I think he is worrie about his brother now. My auntie was able to keep him in check, keep him going. But now she's gone my parents are worried he's going to go down hill fast. Maybe turn to drink :frown:

I just hope everyone will be OK again soon :frown:

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hey, sorry to hear that. I hope you and your family are ok :hugs:
Reply 2
My sympathies :frown:
Reply 3
aww im so sorry, hope everythin works out with the rest of your family too,#hugwings# big hug for you
Thanks for your kind words everyone.

I just needed somewhere to talk about what I'd found out. It's still a big shock :frown:
When something like this happens, it is out of the ordinary and makes people question their own lives and where they stand. This has been a shock for your whole family, and they are bound to feel worried about other relatives. Unfortunately there is not a lot you can do exept be supportive - your family and it seems particularly your dad need you more than ever now so stick together and see it through as a family. Im am so sorry for your loss and I hope this advice helps.
Good luck x
When something like this happens, it is out of the ordinary and makes people question their own lives and where they stand. This has been a shock for your whole family, and they are bound to feel worried about other relatives. Unfortunately there is not a lot you can do exept be supportive - your family and it seems particularly your dad need you more than ever now so stick together and see it through as a family. Im am so sorry for your loss and I hope this advice helps.
Good luck x

Yeah. I wish I could be there with my Dad. Unfortunately I'm a long way away from him :frown:
Reply 7
Reply 8
Sorry to hear about that, same thing happened to me last week, but it was my great aunt... but nonetheless, it makes you think... When things like this happen in your family it can make you so much stronger and closer.. my thoughts are with you and your family.
Reply 9
It's a terrible shock when someone dies so suddenly. I'm not surprised you don't know how you feel at the moment. You have my sympathy. As you're a long way away make the effort to contact home more frequently. You can all support each other by talking about Auntie Mary and keeping her memory alive.
Reply 10
Aww, I'm sorry. I hope you and your family can find some comfort. I think you all need to rally round and be there for one another, and make sure that your uncle has you around and he's not on his own, to make sure he doesn't slide into depression. My sympathies, it sounds like a real shock. :frown:
Reply 11
:hugs: :hugs:

Even though you can't physically be there for your Dad, you are emotionally. Just let him know each time you speak to him.

:hugs: :hugs:
I'm really sorry to hear about your auntie's death. :frown:
It sounds like a horrible shock for you, I hope that your family can support each other through this. I really sincerely hope everything gets easier soon and your family are ok.

sorry about that.

My Grandad died about three months ago and we were really close to him and was a real shock, I cried loads when it happened and at the funeral, but apart from that, I wasn't too upset and felt like I was coping too well, I mean that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be more upset. Then just before christmas, I got a bit upset for one or two evenings but not enough to cry or anything, but that's kinda been it, I really loved him and feel I should have grieved more. Is that normal?
sorry about that.

My Grandad died about three months ago and we were really close to him and was a real shock, I cried loads when it happened and at the funeral, but apart from that, I wasn't too upset and felt like I was coping too well, I mean that I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be more upset. Then just before christmas, I got a bit upset for one or two evenings but not enough to cry or anything, but that's kinda been it, I really loved him and feel I should have grieved more. Is that normal?

That is normal.

I've found each death affects you in different ways. My two grandmas deaths are a perfect example. I can't say I loved my Grandmas any differnetly and that I was closer to one than the other so that cannot be used as a reason why I acted very differently.

Yes, I cired for both. But my Grandma dying made me scream out when I heard the news. I was in tears for a long time after hearing the news. For days afterwards I would cry. In the church for the funeral I cried a fair amount.

But when my Granny died I only had a few small tears afterwards. I cried small tears a few times. Nothing much in the church for the funeral. No screaming out when I heard the news.

I guess it's down to the circumstances of the death in how it affects you. The supriseness of it (complete shock with my Grandma, sh was tkaen ill one day, died the next, me only finding out she was unwell half an hour before she died). The situation you are in when it happen (in the midle of an exam period at univeristy with my Granny - with an exam the next day - I had to concentrate on the exams).
Reply 15

It is perfectly normal not to react as much as you thought you would over someone's death, and it doesn't mean you don't love them. Both my grandads died from cancer and they'd both been ill for a long time. We knew the end was near. I cried at both of their funerals. For one of them I cried once before as well when my mum played one of the pieces of music she wanted played at the funeral. But for me that was it - most of my grieving was done inside. And because we knew they were dying, the 'shock factor' was kind of removed.

In all honesty I probably cried more over my friend's death - she died when she was 23 and it was a total shock (she hadn't been ill or anything). Plus it just seemed such a waste of a young life.
Reply 16
:hugs: I hope you're OK
Reply 17
i delat with an old lady yesterday who was fine one minute and paseed away the next. If you need to talk i'm willing to listen as helping relatives is part of my job. I hope you and your family pull through ok.
Reply 18
My auntie died last Saturday. She's been very sick for a long time, so my initial reaction was one of relief, then sadness. I'm glad she's not battling anymore.

if you fancy a chat, I'm all ears. My dad died very suddenly about 4 yrs ago so have dealt with death.
Reply 19
same heere though it was about 6 years ago for me