The Student Room Group

never been kissed to losing virginity in one night

im 18 and a few weeks ago i posted on this forum because i was worried that i had never been kissed. i am a young-looking, shy, quite naive person and always felt really backward for my age. i didnt have any male friends and was worried about talking to guys. so i posted on this forum saying that id never been kissed and you guys all posted back saying, dont worry, itll happen and were generally very reassuring.

two days ago i went to a friends party and i got very drunk for the first time in my life. we played drinking games, which ive never done before, and i was in a pretty bad state. i started making out with a guy who id been talking to earlier. we went upstairs to my friend's room and...basically, we had sex. im not sure how it went that far. one moment we were just kissing, and the next i was lying on the bed, not really knowing how id got there.

im still in a state of shock. how the hell did i go from never been kissed to losing my an hour? a week ago i felt like a prude, now i feel like a slut, for sleeping with a guy id only met a couple of hours ago. we didnt use a condom either and yesterday i went with my friend to take the morning after pill.

what happened? was it just that i was drunk? have any of you been in a similar situation? i dont really know how it happened. after reading your posts, i decided not to try and make my first kiss happen...but somehow it just did, and then much more.

i dont even know what i should be feeling right now. just very very confused.

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never been kissed to losing my an hour

Sounds like a great title for a self help book :smile: Like people said, dont go looking for it and more than likely it'll just come, it really isn't that hard to pull/have sex as you just found out.
Reply 2
You also need to go and get tested because he could have anything.

Try not to worry too much about what happened. Mainly, I suspect, it was because you were drunk, so in future, don't drink quite so much.

A single one-night-stand doesn't make you a slut at all, just as previously, having not been kissed didn't make you a prude.

The only person who can turn this into a big deal for you is you, so you need to decide how you want to handle it and who you want to tell/confide in out of your friends and family. You don't have to tell anyone, the choice is entirely up to you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
umm...was the guy at least hot?
Reply 4
You can't change the past, don't feeli like a slut, but the thing is you should now learn your own limits... we can all get drunk and just let loose but then you start regretting things. So next time when you drink, don't get so drunk that you don't know how things are progressing... In my eyes it should be all about fun , so even if I have sex on the first night I should enjoy every moment.
Just be RESPONSIBLE :smile: and don't worry about what's happened, it happens alot. Next time you have sex; use a condom, std's are not cool , nor are pregnancies.
You can't change the past, don't feeli like a slut, but the thing is you should now learn your own limits... we can all get drunk and just let loose but then you start regretting things. So next time when you drink, don't get so drunk that you don't know how things are progressing... In my eyes it should be all about fun , so even if I have sex on the first night I should enjoy every moment.
Just be RESPONSIBLE :smile: and don't worry about what's happened, it happens alot. Next time you have sex; use a condom, std's are not cool , nor are pregnancies.

ooh a nas fan!..sorry off topic
Reply 6
You also need to go and get tested because he could have anything.

Try not to worry too much about what happened. Mainly, I suspect, it was because you were drunk, so in future, don't drink quite so much.

A single one-night-stand doesn't make you a slut at all, just as previously, having not been kissed didn't make you a prude.

The only person who can turn this into a big deal for you is you, so you need to decide how you want to handle it and who you want to tell/confide in out of your friends and family. You don't have to tell anyone, the choice is entirely up to you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Just make sure you do all the right things now: get the morning after pill (which you say you've done), get tested (very necessary!) and try not to drink so much next time. Know your limits.
Plus, it's done now, so don't beat yourself up over it. It's just one of those things to put down to experience and move on.
Reply 7
Dark and Lovely
umm...was the guy at least hot?

Ah, the all important question.


You need to get tested, OP. What happened isn't a particularly rare occurrence these days and I wouldn't call you a slut. While it's not the best way to lose your virginity, you can't change the past. All you can do is learn from it and don't drink so much in future if you don't have a friend who will look after you properly :smile:
Reply 8
Dark and Lovely
ooh a nas fan!..sorry off topic

Dear me. Is it "unhelpfulness day" in Dark and Lovely land? :p:
Reply 9
erm, the first time you drink you shouldnt play drinking games
Ah, the all important question.


You need to get tested, OP. What happened isn't a particularly rare occurrence these days and I wouldn't call you a slut. While it's not the best way to lose your virginity, you can't change the past. All you can do is learn from it and don't drink so much in future if you don't have a friend who will look after you properly :smile: had to be asked for the sake of it..there'd be no point in me repeating the sound advice that was already given.
Reply 11
Dark and Lovely
ooh a nas fan!..sorry off topic

oooh a pac fan!! lol :biggrin:
and how ironic im jus puttin some dark n lovely moisture cream in my hair.

Reply 12
You idiot.
You idiot.

Comments like this + only 47 posts + your rep count = h4x0r! :eek:
OP don't let yourself get upset by thinking that you're a slut because you've had sex. Sure you've had a one night stand but there's nothing wrong with that. I've found that girls who call other girls sluts are either jealous of them or generally just want to make themselves feel better and you shouldn't take any notice. Jesus, I got called a slut when I was a virgin just because I talked to a guy.

Like the others have said get yourself tested and try to be more careful in future. If you don't want to a repeat then try not to get as drunk. Also don't give in to a guy just because you think it will make people like you or because you don't want to be called a prick tease. It's fine to chat to a guy and not sleep with him. It might be wrong though to rub yourself up against a guy, push his face in to your cleavage and then deny him sex though.
Reply 15
it might be wrong though to rub yourself up against a guy, push his face in to your cleavage and then deny him sex though.

lol so that's where i've been going wrong
Reply 16
oooh a pac fan!! lol :biggrin:
and how ironic im jus puttin some dark n lovely moisture cream in my hair.

An Alanis Morissette fan, I see.
happened to me too.
not in a hour but in the space of a day.
completely different context though, no alcohol, not a one night stand,

but im fine with it, i dont want to share my life story with the internet but just thought id post to let you know you're not the only one!
Reply 19
happened to me too.
not in a hour but in the space of a day.
completely different context though, no alcohol, not a one night stand,

but im fine with it, i dont want to share my life story with the internet but just thought id post to let you know you're not the only one!

aw.. but the internet wants to help!