The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hey, I'm a first year student at UEA. I guess it depends on what you're used to, if you're from somewhere like London then obviously there is not quite the same selection. It also depends on your tastes.

Theres plenty of clubs in the city center. Plus on campus there is LCR which varies from themed nights to live bands.

These are some of the things happening at the LCR this term
Reply 2
I never had any complaints about the nightlife in Norwich. And there are tonnes of places I've never even been to (obviously I didn't utilise my time there very well :wink: ).
Reply 3
I'm from London :P

It's alright but i suggest you mix it up a bit. There's probably about 7 - 8 clubs that you can go to minus a ****load of pubs (one for every day of the year as the myth goes). Am currently sick of Optic and Ponanas...funnily enough, i'm going to Optic tonight.... <groans>

Optic - Cheese n stuff, best night is Monday.

Ponanas - Alternative/Indie, best nights Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Waterfront - Union owned, depends what night you go on but usually Alternative, 80s, and that Sadomasacist thing where everyone dresses in tight PVC suits and have strange piercings. Best nights Fridays and Saturdays.

Mustard Lounge - Alternative, Wednesdays i think are good.

Sonic - Extremely Alternative. Some weird music there...every other Thursday i believe. Careful you don't go to gay night by accident.

Mercy - Your local run-off-the-mill mainstream R'n'B club. Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Lava/Ignite - Two clubs, one is pretty eclectic cheese/pop the other R'n'B. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Reply 4
Double Post
Reply 5
Is Liquid still going?

I miss Norwich :frown:
Reply 6
Forgot about that one! Yeah, Liquid. It's quite good actually. Was pleasantly surprised when i went a while back.
Reply 7
Norwich night life is pretty poor by most standards. You obviously have a certain number of clubs, but nothing really different, liquid, and Mercy are very similar, Waterfront is agood laugh but plastic bottles and cups makes for a more tacky environment - musics great though! The Loft is the gay club in Norwich! I personally can't stand Lava/ Ignite as it's probably the most Chaviest club in the whole of the city and attracts loads of underage kids.

The pubs are all very samey and most students stick to the Wetherspoon ones or venture to the Murderers, Fat Cat, Unthank pubs and a few others. Outside wetherspoons the price of a drink is overpriced!

Themed nights are always a good laugh and the gigs at LCR are very good indeed! I'm sure if you're new to the area you will be fine, i'm fed up of lack of choice to be honest!
Reply 8
Nightlife is poor? There's plenty of variety and plenty of pubs. I hardly ever went to 'spoons either, there are some much cooler pubs in town that aren't that expensive. And re: plastic cups in the waterfront, I'd much rather that than standing on broken glass all night.

If you want to see poor nightlife, you should come to Loughborough.
Reply 9
No doubt there are worse places to live, but i seriously think Norwich lacks any form of culture and is a black hole of up and comming clubs, pubs and fine dining. How long have you been in Norwich? I am deffinately tired of the city and have exhausted the clubs and pubs to excess. Personally the only decent place to go these days is the Playhouse bar or one or two select pubs that aren't full of dirty old men aka the 'regulars'.

I don't see where the 'cooler' pubs are and i enjoy the Front, just find it a bit skanky, but hey nowt wrong with that!! :-)
Reply 10
It seems the same with every University 'Town' though. Lancaster was worse in terms of choice from what i've seen of it.

Obviously Norwich isn't going to shine compared to the Metropolises of Nottingham, Leeds, London etc. But given her size it's more than adaquate. I'd put money on it being better than most other cities/towns of similar size.
Reply 11
No doubt there are worse places to live, but i seriously think Norwich lacks any form of culture and is a black hole of up and comming clubs, pubs and fine dining. How long have you been in Norwich? I am deffinately tired of the city and have exhausted the clubs and pubs to excess. Personally the only decent place to go these days is the Playhouse bar or one or two select pubs that aren't full of dirty old men aka the 'regulars'.

I don't see where the 'cooler' pubs are and i enjoy the Front, just find it a bit skanky, but hey nowt wrong with that!! :-)

Of course Norwich isn't going to have up and coming clubs. The pub scene is tailored around the students, and the people who come at weekends (ie squaddies), as it's not like people are going to travel hundreds of miles to go to Norwich just for it's nightlife - it's far too far out of the way for that to happen. Oh and the cooler pubs - have you been to the Mischief? That's rather cool (and cheap!).

Norwich isn't too bad for eating out either - I've had some really nice meals out, even if it wasn't quite fine dining (cos let's face it, the student budget doesn't quite cut to that!). Stones has been really nice the couple of times I went there, and not too expensive.

If you've lived in Norwich all your life of course you're going to be bored. I've lived in Reading my entire life and am a bit bored of the same old places, doesn't mean I think the nightlife is rubbish though, cos it's not really. Norwich kept me amused for 3 years, I'm glad I went there :smile: