The Student Room Group

Do your parents let you have sex in their house?


Do your parents mind you having sex?

In fact, do your parents let you have sex at all? Do they know? Would you tell them?

I want to know what the modern parents attitude to sex is!

And I know the poll is multiple choice but there are three "sections" as it where. So only fill in one answer per section!

For example:

I am allowed to have sex in the house, I can have my boyfriend in my bedroom and I can talk to my parents about sex!

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Reply 1
We do in my bfs house but I just wouldn't feel comfy doing it at my house.

Both our parents know we have sex because my mum drove me to the women's clinic when I had my implant and I just told my bfs parents about it in case anything happened to me at their house, you know, so they could tell the paramedics.
I've never actually told my parents out right, but i'm pretty sure they know i do it at college. Me and my boyfriend have managed to get away with doing it quietly at their house a few times but we are not allowed to sleep together. Same at his parents house. Its ok, their house, their rules really.
My mother knows to some extent that I have had sex in our house, it's just not ..acknowledged :p:
She and I both know it but she is of that generation that she'd never ever bring it up.
My dad.... my dad doesn't have a clue what goes on in my life, so I doubt he's aware of that sort of thing, lol.
Reply 4
My mum is pretty liberal, she compared putting an ipod cover on, to putting a condom on. My bro blushed, i laughed! She makes little references to sex like that, and i think she asked me if i was still a virgin when i was 15! I was quite embarrassed, and told her to be quiet.
She wouldnt let my bro and his gf sleep in the same room, but thats because she was 15, and he was 17... and her parents didnt allow it. I dont think shes bothered about me or my bro having sex, as we're old enough, and responsible. Though she did tell me if i ever got pregnant, she'd do her nut - which is fair enough!!

I dont live at home, live at uni, so ive not really been in the situation where i have to have a boy sleep over. Shes alright about it though, and i was allowed to sleep over boys houses when i was younger! My dad doesnt really have much to say on the matter, i think he finds it a bit embarrassing. :p:
Reply 5
they don't mind tbh. They tried having the old sex talk with me, but i was like ok - i know lol.

I've never told them, but they know lol :p:
Reply 6
My mum dont like me having boyfriends sleep in my room, and we have never ever chatted about sex, its kind of if its not talked about it doesnt happen... but she has hinted that she knows i have slept with the current boyfriend,

but we dont really have a problem, as i am at uni like half hour away so he can come and see me and we can do whatever, and he is moving in with his friend soon, so it doesnt really matter!
I could never talk to my parents about's not really the done thing!

I just keep it a secret, and suppress the trauma of a conservative upbringing..:p:
Reply 8
yea although we dont really at her house because her parents have a habit of coming in to say things. i think they do it on purpose :frown:
They have never asked if I have sex; I have never volunteered the information. I would be honest if they asked. I don't know if they would mind. I'm 19.

Having sex in their house hasn't been an issue as of yet, since they live in America and I go to uni in England, where my boyfriend lives.
Reply 10
Though she did tell me if i ever got pregnant, she'd do her nut - which is fair enough!!

Ever :eek:

I always wonder when parents switch to "oh it wouldn't be so bad" and then to "won't it be wonderful?" :smile:
parents letting you in the house hmmm. I know what would happen to me if i was caught.
What would happen to you browneyedboi?

My parents don't mind- they know I'm sensible
Reply 13
Hmm I'm 18 and I haven't asked if a girl can stay over since I was 15 (when the answer was no) and I haven't bothered to ask since as I prefer going elsewhere! I think my mum must know...
Reply 14
My parents don't mind. They know my boyfriend & were having sex at 15 in the house, although my boyfriend couldn't actually stay over (or me stay at his) until I was 16. Not entirely sure why, heh. I'm 17 now, obviously it's still alright.
my girlfriend's parents knew we were having sex when she was 14 though I don't know when my mum figured it out....
Reply 16
My mum has always let me have sex under her roof. Her reasoning is that if I want to have sex I will it is better that I do it in a safe place (ie not outside or where people wouldn't be happy about it).
I've always been open with my Mum, it's just how things are.
My mum's never minded really, I had my boyfriend staying over in my room from when I was 15 and then once she announced she thought it was 'time I got a double bed!' She knew I wasn't a virgin because I told her- she was ridiculous, she cried because she was 'happy I was now a young woman.'
My parents trust me to be sensible and if I made mistakes that's my responsibility, I've had someone stay in my room that I wasn't going out with and they didn't mind at all (though they did at least know the guy.)
I'm sure they'd rather I didn't have sex while they were in the house, or at least, awake, but I wouldn't anyway.
Reply 18

I always wonder when parents switch to "oh it wouldn't be so bad" and then to "won't it be wonderful?" :smile: soon as I turned 20 my mum has started saying "You've only got another 15 or so years to have a kid you know, so don't leave it too late", replacing her earlier "Be careful and please don't get pregnant" so I guess she's itching to become a grandma already :p: She's just gonna have to wait.

My mum doesn't really seem to care what I get up to now as long as she doesn't hear all the gory details. She did disapprove of me staying in the same room as my ex because he was younger than me (though still of a legal age!) but since I was 18 she couldn't do much about it. Basically I've always had my own rules and since I'm hardly the rebelling sort they've worked out pretty well :smile:
Reply 19
Ever :eek:

I always wonder when parents switch to "oh it wouldn't be so bad" and then to "won't it be wonderful?" :smile:

Haha, well she wouldnt be happy if i got pregnant for the next few years at least, :p: she always comments that shes too young to be a grandma! Im sure it'll be "oh, im just the right age to be a grandma now..." in a few years!

I used to tease my mum about my bros gf being pregnant, when she had a tummy bug one time, my mum was like :afraid: shutup!!