The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Reply 2
I can't go to an accountants to get a prescription, and I can't go to a pharmacy to sort out my taxes. Might have to call that one a tie.
Reply 3
accountancy Vs Pharmacy????
what do you lot think is better and why?

What kind of question is that?

What do you want comparisons in? They are entirely different careers.
Reply 4
just in general! i am aware that they are totally different coourses:rolleyes: but which would you choose to do in terms of wage and type of work involved on a daily basis.
Reply 5
Well I'm guessing the majority of the people on this forum would choose accountancy, seeing as they probably know nothing about pharmacy!!!

A friend graduated last year after doing a pharmacy degree, it was a 4 year course. He's now on some sort of training scheme with the NHS, his salary is roughly 21k I believe.
Reply 6
I work in a Pharmacy and to be honest imo it is quite boring at most times. The work is quite simple. The pharmacists job is to do the prescriptions and advise customers. THe prescriptions bit is so simple, I do that bit although I'm not qualified to do so [aint done the exams]. So in terms of work its not alot compared to other careers, but you do have to know your stuff. Pay-wise, I think the best optio is to work as a locum you around £150-£200 a day, and some chains pay double on Sunday. I think average pay for a normal pharmacists is about 40-50k. You can buy lots of chemists this way you'll make lots of profits.