The Student Room Group

Cosmetic surgery on the nhs for psycological reasons?

Hye i was wondering if anyone on here knew anything about this really? cos ive really got a problem with my nose and not just like 'uhh i hate it' kind of thing like it really gets to me I'm self conscious about it when i'm talking to anyone and it has stopped me from applying for a new job (part time cos i'm only 18 and still in school), I know it shouldn't but its this imperfection that makes me not want to meet new people, I would rather stick with the job and ppl i know and i dont want to be like that. I'm gong to uni in sept and i really feel it will hold me back and that if I have something done i will gain so much in confidence.

I'm pretty sure, and my mum is, that it was broken as a child because the bone inside is S shaped which makes it look flat and wide and the tip is too big.

What i'm really trying to get at is whether the nhs could or would do sometihng or if anyone else had had any similar experiences or anything like that?

Thanks in advance for your help xxx
Reply 1
You'll need to speak to your doctor about this, you may need official assessment from a psychiatrist to show that it's severely affecting you. They might also make you wait a while to show that it's not just a phase or something. It's definitely worth a try though - after all, the NHS funded a leg extension operation on a girl who wanted to be an air hostess but was too short, so anything can happen. Good luck :smile:
Reply 2
the NHS will only pay for it if it is affecting you functionally, i.e you can't breathe through it.

Otherwise you'll have to pay for it yourself, but if you do that I would imagine that its worth paying say, 4 grand instead of 3 grand if the surgeon is better.

I'm not sure how or why I know the first bit...but its true.