The Student Room Group

just need someone to talk to

I've got a lot going on at the moment, emotionally, academically, phyisically and whatever else is left.

I find myself so busy during the week that I have no time for feelings, so tonight I come in from work and I can do nothing but think about all the things going on with me.

I feel a bit numb, I have so many things I need to talk about, and no one to talk about them with.

My best friend doesn't want to know, he's like "i'm so not good at comforting people" and I don't really want to be comforted and he knows this but he's just being a cock.

I wasn't even planning on telling him anyway because I don't like burdening my friends with my problems and I feel it's because of that I find it uncomfortable to talk to them when I do really need help.

I want to talk to a councellor or something but I'm not really sure how I go about it, I know it sounds pathetic but I don't want my form tutor or head of year to know because I don't want them to think I have any problems.

Urgh, can I see my GP about this or not?
Sure you can hun, they can refer you to a counsellor if you think you'd like to talk to one. You don't have to have anything "wrong" with you as such, but they can sort you out with somebody just to vent to.
Good luck xx
Reply 2
To be honest, you're probably better off seeing a spiritual counsellor rather than a medical psychologist (which is what GPs usually refer you to). Ask your GP if they know a good spiritual counsellor.

The difference between a spiritual counsellor, and a medical psychologist (most people don't actually get the difference) is that a spiritual counsellor is someone that has training, and will listen to what you have to say on the matter, and then will try to guide you back to the right path.

A medical psychologist concentrates more on finding a 'problem', what the 'symptoms' are, and finding the right 'cure'.

Hope this helps clarify things
Reply 3
That does thanks, I think my best bet would be to see the school councellor, just having to find a way so my form tutor doesn't find out.
Reply 4
it might depend on you school policy if your tutor will find out.
Otherwise there are places like brook which offer counsiling.
Reply 5
Well.. i don't know about your school.. but in ours we could just go see the counsellor on our own accord.. just find out where the room is and make an appointment.. as far as I'm aware, it's strictly confidential
Connexions is also quite good for general life sorts of things, I think if it verges on proper depression and such they've an obligation to encourage you to go to the GP and go to a more medical councillor, but they're good for the general life rubbish.. (says a veteran of medical and non-medical councillors :s-smilie: )
I don't know if you have a matron/school nurse where you are, but often you can sort out seeing a school counsellor through them, or else another teacher maybe? As said above, connexions are also quite good and offer counselling for free. My brother went for a while and found it quite helpful. PM me if you want to talk. :smile:
Yeah we're not professionals on here but we can lend an ear if you wanna get stuff of your chest
Reply 9
Hey I'm always happy to listen to you if you wanna talk u can PM anytime!