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Male with stretch marks

Suddenly over the past few weeks ive developed stretch marks everywhere :frown: im 20 years old and a male so its making me really self conscious. Theyre everywhere, on my stomach, my sides, hips, my armpits and upper arms.

Even worse is that ive just looked online and everywhere says you can never get rid of them? Im so upset and confused, I havent put any weight on recently so why is this happenning ? :frown:
Reply 1
Lots of people get them, not just women but guys too as you have found out.
They aren't that bad really, I have never really noticed them on people until they have been pointed out.
You could try rubbing vitamin E and things that reduce scaring on them but I'm not sure how effective they are.
They will turn a white shiney colour eventually if they aren't already. The ones I have were always white but some people they appear pinkish before and gradually fade.
Reply 2
I used to have some which randomly appeared on my legs, although I've never been overweight, and I hadn't put any on. Anyway, you can't see them now, a couple of years on.
Reply 3
all strech marks are is where the skin hasnt grown in time with the developemnt of muscles or fat and as you said u havent put on a weight im not sure wot the cause is.

i wouldnt worry bout them they probably are not even noticable and if you are worried girls would be put of by them dont be!!! birth marks moles and strech marks make you an individual!!!
Reply 4
My boyfriend has really big ones all across his back...i was slightly suspicious they were scratch marks at first hehe but they're too big, and he then got his older brother to show me that he had the same on his back too. I'm not sure if you can get rid of them that easily, try something that reduces scarring such as bio oil, but they're perfectly normal.
Reply 5
Use Bio-Oil on them, it will definately help them fade.
Reply 6
Palmers body butter claims to reduce stretch marks and such. And you can also buy it fragrance-free if you find the normal smell too sweet and overpowering. Or bio-oil, as suggested.

But I wouldn't really worry about it too much if I was you. I bet it isn't really noticeable to others. :smile:
Reply 7
Men having stretch marks is more common than you think.

My boyfriend didnt even realise he had them till I pointed them out! lol

Seriously everyone has them, but many people dont even realise if theyre on their back or bum.
Reply 8
Yeah I developed some recently that were really red and I've been using bio-oil aswel as moisturising with palmers like i usually do and they seem to be fading... Don't worry about it , they're natural!!!!
Reply 9
Everyone has them!
Sometimes they can be quite sexy, actually!
got mine across my shoulders from when i started training, dont worry about it, you'll hardly notice them after awhile, and no one asks any questions except i got asked who had i been fighting cause mine were dark purple and looked like flesh wounds, but give it time and they'll fade on their own
Reply 11
I had mine because i grew pretty early, and they started off red/pink but as time has gone on they've faded and you can barely see them now! So don't worry about it :biggrin:
Apparently I have some on my ass. And I'm skinny, so it seems we all have some.
Reply 13
I only have them on my back, and I can't do much about them as I can't get my hands to reach them. Never knew I had any till people said what had I done to my back and I was like 'huh?' Anyways I don't mind them, out of sight, out of mind :biggrin:
I got some at 17 and was so worried about walking along a beach topless etc. Now I don't even think of them.
Reply 15
I got loads recently, but they're beginning to fade now, honesty once they die down you'll hardly notice them.
Reply 16
I got some at 17 and was so worried about walking along a beach topless etc. Now I don't even think of them.

I agree, I would never have thought about mine if I hadn't have seen this thread. They are just part of growing I assume. Just forget about them mate :smile:
My boyfriend has some and I really don't care, no one ever says anything and its more common then you would think
Reply 18
I've recently got some on one of my upper arms. they haven't bothered me too much cos they are barely noticable sometimes and u cannot see them when i have a t-shirt on
ive always had loads down my right hand side of my back, under/behind my armpit. none on the otherside though. i assumed it was something todo with the way i sleep.