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Reply 1
im having a blood test tomorrow too :five:
yes people can go in with you
I'm sure your mum can come with you. :smile: I sympathise i have a big fear of needles too! Ask for some of the numbing cream if you can, and just be brave. It's not as bad as you think it will be, i always imagine it's going to be worse than it actually is! It's easier said than done but try and stay relaxed, it will make it a lot easier. Make sure you don't look at the needle! Good luck :hugs:
Just don't look!

I had mine a while back and enjoyed the experience.
Reply 4
I absolutely detest needles myself, which makes being a blood donor rather a challenge! It's a case of mind over matter, try not to think too much about it before hand, and it'll be in before you have time to panic.
Reply 5
Honnestly look away........... try reading something on the way there to give you something to think about whils the needle is piercing your skin. :smile:

Don't forget to ask for a lolly

Good luck
Reply 6
Just don't look! Its all psychological I think. You only feel the tiniest little thing TBH and I'm the biggest wimp there is lol.
Reply 7
Can i have it lying down. Scared i'll faint !!!
Reply 8
Can i have it lying down. Scared i'll faint !!!

Yes you can lie down if you want to, my dad, a grown man of 48, still has to ask to lie down everytime he gets one :rolleyes:

Seriously you'll be fine, you don't really feel anything - it will sting the tiniest bit, and you'll have a bruise afterwards, but just don't look and you won't feel it much :smile:
I had one last week, it wasnt that bad just try to distract yourself by talking to the nurse or mabe your mum if she is there. The nurse kinda screwed mine up a bit, she missed the vien and then had to do it again on my other arm.
Reply 10
I used to be petrified of needles and had my first blood test without my mum (cos ive come to uni) the other week and i surprisingly was fine!

I know youve probably been told loads of times but just look away and concentrate on your breathing or something. That helped me. I kind of concentrated on how much it wasnt hurting if that makes any sense at all!

Your mum can go in with you though
Reply 11
Are the Nurses able to calm anxious people ?? :redface:

Just worried i'll panic :frown:
Reply 12
I had one a week ago and it was fine, and I've never liked needles at all either. It really is just a scratch on your arm and then a few seconds after it's over. And you don't always get a bruise, I haven't in both of the ones I've had, probably because they put pressure on straight away with a cotton ball and then as they're getting the tape to hold the cotton ball down you hold it down.
Reply 13
I had my first one back last year I think, and it was much better than I thought it would be. I was seen to instantly, because I stepped foot in the blood test area, took a ticket from the machine (yes- it was just like at the butcher's :p:), and the electronic board which said which number was now being seen emitted a discreet *ping*, and my number came up. I suppose it would have been quite comical if I wasn't so petrified!

As for the actual test, I was sat down in a little room with a nurse who encouraged me to bring my mother in. She told me exactly what she was going to do; firstly she looked for a vein, then applied a tourniquet, and put the needle in. It's slightly unpleasant at first, but it's not really a painful sensation after the needle initially goes in. It's over pretty quickly, although it depends on how many problems they're testing you for as to how much blood they'll need to take. Afterwards I was a little hot (although it was the height of summer), and the nurse made me sit down and have a drink of water. Then I was allowed to leave, and I was back at school literally within less than five minutes of having it!

It was much better than I thought it would be, so don't worry too much about it. :smile: If you have any more questions just feel free to ask!
Aww.. This is so cute :p:

Yes, your mum can come with you. You may have Vasovagal attacks like I do whenever I'm having a blood test. (Triggers fainting when a blood vessel is penetrated.) So watch out I guess and best of luck!
Reply 15
Apart from the Needle going in - will i feel anything else ? :eek:
Apart from the Needle going in - will i feel anything else ? :eek:

You'll feel it go in and it'll hurt abit while it's in there. Just don't look at your blood going up through the syringe or you'll feel really bad. I think you might have the same condition I do (Vasovagal attacks) which just makes you feel really light headed when something penetrates your blood vessels so just lie down after it's done and bobs your uncle! It won't hurt a great deal unless the person isn't very experienced.
Reply 17
Yup. I do feel faint when i see Blood. Fainted once when Dad cut his head !!

How do i avoid fainitng - apart from lying down ?
I have a complete thing about needles as well. Just don't look, get someone to distract you and make sure you're lying down so that if you faint it won't matter. Good luck, it'll be over in seconds x
I wouldn't recommend lying down while it's being done. Just lying down doesn't seem like a 'comfort zone' then. When you do it sitting down and then lie down you feel alot more at home and comfortable and away from it all.