The Student Room Group

Is she playing games?

My friend emails me to say she has met up with her best mates ex and has snogged and groped him in a club. Her friend still loves him but couldn't trust him as he put himself on dating websites. Now my friend also mentions she is back on with her affair with a man in his 40s who is engaged, she is 23. I am sick of hearing about these 'conquests' she sounds proud of muscling in on other people's guys, why is she doing this?
Reply 1
Attention seeker, wannabe popular, socialite. Best thing to do with this kinda person is to ignore them, like you've stepped on some dog poo and you don't want anyone else in the park to know you have.
Reply 2
God knows. Could be a million and one things.

Doesnt sound like it's anything worth worrying about to be honest.

As we would say over here in Ireland, 'Let her tear on.'
Reply 3
She obviously thinks it's something to boast about. Personally I'd be inclined to tell her to drink a nice cup of shut the **** up :mad: It depends how mean you feel really, but if you want to get it into her head that what she's doing is NOT cool perhaps say something along the lines of 'ooh dear me. I'll come with you to get tested, shall I?' Perhaps suggest she'd be more comfortable with her mom there instead and say you'll check if she's free for her :wink:
Reply 4
She sounds like she is proud of her behaviour, if it annoys you just be honest and tell her trashy behaviour ain't impressive :rolleyes:
Reply 5
I haven't even responded to her previous email from the weekend which she has sent me another email going on about these guys again. I don't know if she is trying to make me jealous that she has all these guys after her even though they treat her second best - I have a bf so I ain't interested in pulling conquests.

I am a 'nice' girl and don't really like friends with low morals.
She could be doing it for attention. Maybe she's emailing you about her conquests to get a reaction out of you. She wants you to go "oh my god, that's so cool, tell me all about it" or something similar. I've known girls who pull or sleep with guys basically because she thinks he/others will like her. It also gave them a confidence boost to think that guys would sleep with them. The best thing to do is just ignore her and soon she'll shut up about it. One of my old friends said to me one day "Oh my god, I pulled 4 guys last night" and she was expecting me either to be jealous or impressed. I didn't give a ****. I had a boyfriend and was much more proud of that than having to go around shoving my tongue down randoms throats.

Then again she might not realise what she's doing. She might not realise that she's upsetting her friend by snogging her friends ex. The word EX just gives some people the go ahead no matter who is involved. When it comes to the opposite sex, some people can be VERY selfish.
I think you need another point of veiw on this thread maybe she is insecure and that's why she does it and feels she needs to tell you so she has someone to tell her that whats she is doing is ok. You need to take her in hand and tell her that it's not ok and she needs to get out beofre she hurts someone or gets hurt herself.