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Reply 1
Whey protein and dextrose, job done.
Reply 2
What is the best way to get sucha combo? I assume its something u make urself?

Also - is this likely to give you energy? i.e just before a footy match? or is it only really good after exercise to replenish muscles?
Reply 3
Clubber Lang
I'm told it is bets to have a drink that contains a lot of protein and carbohdrates after a gym workout - does anyone know any good readymade drinks that can achieve this?

Yazoo milkshake or somehting?

Depends. If you are looking to bulk up, buy a mass builder like promass. That is high in carbs and protein and drink that after you have worked out. Alternatively you can do what stone said, use whey powder.
Reply 4
Go to or any other big bodybuilding site and search "pwo" and have a read.
Reply 5

You can make your own shakes by using whey powder, milk, ice, fruit (?Banana), maybe some low fat yougurt and chuck in some oat bran to fill it out a bit more.

The shakes are mainly advertised because after doing resistance stuff you should get protein into you as quickly as possible to help muscle growth - this doesnt have to be a shake though, if you have time things like grilled chicken/turket with some steamed veg is always good.

Gyms like fitness first tend to have cabinets with pre-prepared protein shakes if you wanted to just buy them; although they will be more expensive than doing it yourself.

Yazoo may be a bit to high in sugars to make it an effective after workout shake - probably not high enough in protein either to make it worth your while.

Hope that helps!!
Reply 6
i would suggest some protein supplement such as maximuscle or met-rx mixed with milk. it is important to take such supplements within 1 hour of exercising, as this will maximise muscle growth as the muscles are replenished. remember to drink plenty of liquid during your workout as to not become dehydrated. if you are not looking to add significant muscle mass, a sports drink such as aquarius is enough after exercise.
Reply 7
I am only really looking to tone up - not to become massive - is it still worth taking?

anyone recommend a good shop to buy from onlien for the whey and dextrose?
Reply 8
i would recommend you dont take any form of supplement if you arent looking to bulk up as all supplements do is provide your muscles with creatine and other such chemicals which aid muscle growth. stick to sports drinks post workout, and make sure you consume liquid frequently when exercising.
Is a 1.5l of water enough?
yeh more than enough, anything above 1 litre for an hour workout is good
Reply 11
i would recommend you dont take any form of supplement if you arent looking to bulk up as all supplements do is provide your muscles with creatine and other such chemicals which aid muscle growth. stick to sports drinks post workout, and make sure you consume liquid frequently when exercising.

why not take supplements? if they don't want to bulk up just don't eat too much and it won't happen, maybe a whey drink after using weights would help the op recover faster and make sure they aren't
unable to move the day after.
Reply 12
yeh more than enough, anything above 1 litre for an hour workout is good

but if you've sweated out over a 1kg of sweat then 1 litre isn't enough.
Reply 13

I've replied to a similar thread before, so I recommend you take a look at this post of mine.

Also, I'd like to reassure everyone that Adelante4's railing against supplements is borne of a lack of knowledge - a protein/carb shake will not provide one with 'creatine and other such chemicals' (though one of the ones I recommend in that post has creatine added in, most do not - creatine being used by virtually every competitive athlete and many recreational ones and having nothing but positive effects - I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't want to use it).

Rather, it provides one with enough simple carbohydrates (sugars) to replace glycogen which has been depleted by exercise and protein which will be more effective because protein synthesis is increased after exercise (basically your body is pumping lots more blood around for an hour or so after intense exercise, and this means that any nutrients are fast-tracked to where they're needed).

- Hope that helps a bit :smile:,

- me.

PS: look at some of my other posts for more info - I'm sure I wrote one about diet in general not so long ago!
Reply 14 is the best in my me if you want a 5% discount card. is expensive though..not really worth it
Reply 15
optimum nutrition gold standard <--- Great and not as expensive as other.

Good to its the cheapest their.
lol yazoo milkshake... sorry
Reply 17
you want a post workout shake, try a tunashake
(did once, never again...)
Reply 18
you want a post workout shake, try a tunashake
(did once, never again...)

was that part of a dare?
Reply 19
Buy whey protein and add milk, best way

yes best to have it STRAIGHT after a workout, its known as the "window of opportunity" where muscle growth is highest.

If not enough amino acids (the building blocks of protein aka muscle) are in the blood around the muscle, the muscle while simply go back to its original size, whats worse is to repair itself it would take amino acids from other unused muscles.

Also remember the days after a workout are still important, On the morning have 2 boiled eggs, before bed have beans on toast. Get that protein in your system