The Student Room Group

Is the internet wrecking our lives?

Ive had it upstairs in my room for about 4 years now and have learnt a lot from it in all aspects of life lol, or at least I thought I had but does what people say on here and other forums really reflect real life in terms of social life, sex and health? There are lots of people on here with anxiety and depression (like me) but is it really common in life because I never hear of it and people look at me weird if I mention I have panic attacks they usually laugh and reply 'what do you panic about'. Yet on here its like part of life:confused:

Anyway Im wondering if I should cancel it because Ive no friends anymore they have all moved out with there bf's and the only one left has had a baby and is moving out too. All I have is family and one friend really lol, people at my college all have there own lives and partners and im still at home. If I cancel the internet though it might make me even more depressed and anxious because I'l literally have nothing to do and no one to talk to in my spare time. What do you think?

Also do I sound confused or sane? I think im going mental.:redface:
Reply 1
Sound a bit confused, but thats probably because its half 3 in the morning and im tiiiired:frown:

But im not sure cancelling the net will do you any benefits, atleast here you can chat to likeminded people that wont harbour any prejudices against you.
The internet can be a very soothing place and is a social network in its own right.

However, if you think its restricting your social life, just limit the amount of time you spend on it, but i think cutting it off is a bit extreme :frown: :frown:

Am i even makign sense? so tired :s-smilie:
It's common on here because people have no qualms about admitting it (by 'it' I mean depression)...and then there's the melodramatic people...
Some people do exaggerate it; others are serious.
It's common on here because people have no qualms about admitting it (by 'it' I mean depression)...and then there's the melodramatic people...
Some people do exaggerate it; others are serious.

It's not true to life on here at all. I know someone on here who I also know in real life who distorts the truth a lot just to get attention. It's difficult on here to form a perception of what someone is genuinely like.