The Student Room Group


I'm feeling really, really down at the moment but I don't know why, or what to do :frown: ... I'm in my second year of A-levels; I really enjoyed my studies last year but this year I can't be as enthusiastic because I feel depressed...I think my main problem is my friends. I'm very different to them (I'm a straight A student whereas they are struggling to get into even the lowest unis) and I have begun to find it impossible to relate to them and to join in on their conversations - it all boils down to the fact that I don't have anything in common with them. I liked them last year; it's just this year they've changed and I've probably changed too (in opposite directions). I'm lacking in confidence because I have nobody to talk to. I've always got on better with people older than me (I'm an only child so I've spent a lot of time around adults). I'm hoping when I get to uni next year things will get easier and I will meet people who are more like me. It's just what to do in the mean time...
I'm becoming depressed about the way I look too. I used to suffer from anorexia and I'm worried that my depression will lead to me hating my appearance again (that's what happened to me during my GCSEs because I was depressed then).
I don't know what to do.
Reply 1
Well sir, this reminds of the siege of Sevastopol in that you have two choices;

Option 1 calls for a fast sally out of your friendship and get other friends. However this may prove difficult as there is not much of this year remaining and not many people are looking to make new friends at this time. Also relief is coming shortly in the form of university. The leads to option 2:

Option 2 calls for you to accept that this year will be difficult, that you will not get along too well with your friends and await relief until september when you go to university.

Either way is a difficult choice, but one must chosen. Trust in your courage and your horse and lance and all will be well.
Reply 2
Something helped you to get over the anorexia before. What was it? Can you do that again? Was it medical/counselling or did you do it on your own? It's not long till uni and there you will make loads of friends. In the mean time throw yourself into work at school and try to cultivate friends outside of school. Any possibility of you getting a parttime job? Then you'd meet new people with different attitudes.