The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have this awful cold sore on my top lip. My lip is twice it's normal size and it's agony! I am putting cream on it but i'm awfully impatient lol I was wondering what other people tend to use? I'm currently using Blistex cream but i've never found that particularly effective....

I've never had one but my mum had this zappy thing. I can't think what it's called...ok googled it but couldn't find anything, you might have more luck with a little persistence. It uses UV light to irradiate the virus and is really good but it might be expensive. Other than that maybe your doctor can give you something a bit stronger to apply topically.
Reply 2
its called a 'virulite cs' i got one ages ago and it seems to work most of the time. i get them really bad so its prevented alot of pain! but on the other hand i have still had a few bouts. its partly mind over matter though i think.
Reply 3
well.. cole sores for me mean... swelling in the lip... about nearly twice the size.. its awful... when i feel a tingle now however i use zvorax.. but apparently there is this other cream that you put on when a cole sore comes up to help with swelling.. think its new out
Reply 4
Zovirax and Blistex etc help the cold sores go away, or the effects of the cold sore, but is there a way to prevent getting cold sores in the first place? I know it's viral and therefore you would probably have to get it from someone/something but I'd still like to know...
Reply 5
well.. cole sores for me mean... swelling in the lip... about nearly twice the size.. its awful...

My lip just keeps getting bigger! It's extremely swollen and extremely sore. I'm almost in tears, it's so bad. If I could get rid of the swelling then I wouldn't feel so bad but the fact that my lip is twice it's normal size is driving me insane.

I am considering going to the doctor cause my lip is a complete mess! I've never seen it so bad and it's never been so painful. The area around the cold sore is painful too and it tingles an awful lot. I've never seen my lip so bad though, i'm just not sure what a doctor will be able to do...
Reply 6
Penciclovir is out on the market to buy (might go by the name femistil???)...but Im guessing its like zovirax and will only work when cold sore is beginning to rear its head.
You could possibly try putting something cold on it, might bring the swelling down. Also depending upon whether the lip itself is swollen, you could possibly try some ibuprofen (so long as youre ok with them). They prob wont make much of a difference but theyre anti-inflammatory so you could give them a go. They will also help take the pain away.
If blistex isnt working buy the one in the green and yellow packaging, ive had a complete blank on the name. Its like blistex in that its for cold sores, chapped lips that kind of thing, just might work better for you.
Also to zain88, as you said because cold sores are viral you do have to catch them from someone in the first place. However once in your body the virus remains, creeping up when you get run down, or tired, or are exposed to too much sunlight, etc etc. If youve never had a cold sore then the best way to avoid them is not to kiss someone who currently has a cold sore, is having the tingle from one, or has had one too recently. Easier said than done. However if youve had one before, try and keep yourself healthy, and hope that one day they find a way of killing off the virus once and for all (but dont hold your breath!)
I know we're looking for preventative methods here, but I find that honey helps to "tame" the cold sore.
Reply 8
Penciclovir is out on the market to buy (might go by the name femistil???)...but Im guessing its like zovirax and will only work when cold sore is beginning to rear its head.
You could possibly try putting something cold on it, might bring the swelling down. Also depending upon whether the lip itself is swollen, you could possibly try some ibuprofen (so long as youre ok with them). They prob wont make much of a difference but theyre anti-inflammatory so you could give them a go. They will also help take the pain away.
If blistex isnt working buy the one in the green and yellow packaging, ive had a complete blank on the name. Its like blistex in that its for cold sores, chapped lips that kind of thing, just might work better for you.
Also to zain88, as you said because cold sores are viral you do have to catch them from someone in the first place. However once in your body the virus remains, creeping up when you get run down, or tired, or are exposed to too much sunlight, etc etc. If youve never had a cold sore then the best way to avoid them is not to kiss someone who currently has a cold sore, is having the tingle from one, or has had one too recently. Easier said than done. However if youve had one before, try and keep yourself healthy, and hope that one day they find a way of killing off the virus once and for all (but dont hold your breath!)

Hmmm, that's what I thought. So really, you can't totally prevent getting the virus unless you ask a round of quickfire questions to someone just before you lock lips. Definitely easier said than done!
Reply 9
70% vodka tends to kill the buggers off pretty sharpish.

thinking about it, normal vodka straight might work too.
I've never seen my lip so bad though, i'm just not sure what a doctor will be able to do...

ermm, advise you on what is best to treat it?
Reply 11
Obviously. Well done you...

Thats not what I meant though, I meant apart from general advice. You know, treatment...?