The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Not really. Practise makes perfect :smile:
Umm, I dunno I think if you know what to do in theory, it's not that hard to put into practice. There probably is an element of instinct to it. In my experience kisses are only "bad" under two circumstances:

1) someone's been watching too much porn and thinks kissing is about slobbering all over your face and/or ramming their tongue into your throat.

2) one or both people are nervous or shy and tense up

Other than that it's never BAD. It takes practice to be a really GOOD kisser, but a first time could easily be nice :smile:. I can't really remember. I was only 12, aww.
Reply 3
Hey everyone, this is not another "never been kissed" post, but i'm just wondering if 2 people kiss, who have never kissed anyone before, will they know what to do? Does it come naturally?
Thanks x

1st time was really awkward, 3rd time was great!
1st time was really awkward, 3rd time was great!

And the 2nd time?
Reply 5
Toy Soldier
And the 2nd time?

Somewhere in between, I'd imagine!
not naturally..if they are more experinced and dont know you are not they might go for the tongue poke when your still getting the hang of standard kisses....resulting in wet lips....thats what happened to me anyway
it is def a natural thing. I know for me it was anyone cos my first kiss even though it was so long ago i still remeber it being really good!
Reply 8
Not in my experience. Different people have different styles and it takes a while to adapt.
My bf and I were each other's first kiss and it was really good... A lot better now though! :tongue: x