The Student Room Group

A tiny lie...

I've been seeing a guy (who live with call him GUY A) for a while whose not always good to me. Guy A and I argue alot and he puts me down. When we were first seeing each other he made a deal out of how it WASN'T exclusive and I slept with my ex (call him GUY B it wasn't planned).

Guy A and I then got together exclusively but recently he's been telling me he doesn't want to sleep with me (while still sleeping with me), talking about other girls.

We had an argument last night and I asked Guy B to take me to the beach to clear his head. He said it was too late for the beach (ten at night) but he picked me up and I stayed round his. Guy A was literally screaming me down when I left and I couldn't be bothered to start another argument so I told him I was going to a girl mates.

He said some slightly inappropriate things like if I ever got accidentally pregnant he'd marry me and look after me. That I was worth so much more than the way Guy A treats me (Guy B used to treat me badly though). I wanna stress again I didn't do anything with him other than fall asleep together in the same bed.

Today I slept with Guy A again (after 4 days of 'never sleeping together again'). I feel SO guilty for lying. I know now it looks like I was covering up for something which I'm not- shall I fess up or not? Nothing gains I just feel bad!
I've been seeing a guy (who live with call him GUY A) for a while whose not always good to me. Guy A and I argue alot and he puts me down. When we were first seeing each other he made a deal out of how it WASN'T exclusive and I slept with my ex (call him GUY B it wasn't planned).

Guy A and I then got together exclusively but recently he's been telling me he doesn't want to sleep with me (while still sleeping with me), talking about other girls.

We had an argument last night and I asked Guy B to take me to the beach to clear his head. He said it was too late for the beach (ten at night) but he picked me up and I stayed round his. Guy A was literally screaming me down when I left and I couldn't be bothered to start another argument so I told him I was going to a girl mates.

He said some slightly inappropriate things like if I ever got accidentally pregnant he'd marry me and look after me. That I was worth so much more than the way Guy A treats me (Guy B used to treat me badly though). I wanna stress again I didn't do anything with him other than fall asleep together in the same bed.

Today I slept with Guy A again (after 4 days of 'never sleeping together again'). I feel SO guilty for lying. I know now it looks like I was covering up for something which I'm not- shall I fess up or not? Nothing gains I just feel bad!

to be honest, sound you souldn't be with either of them. they sound like they both treat you badly (by your own admitance), and like they're only after one thing.

Wait for a nice guy to come along!
Guy A sounds as though he is insecure and jealous. By chatting about other girls in front of you he's trying to make himself sound more important and desirable. He's trying to make you realise he's a good catch, and of course he's making a pig's ear of it.

It sounds like you need to sit him down and tell him that you do like him, and you want to be exculsive, otherwise you're not interested. Don't let these two guys walk over you.
Reply 3
Don't do this do yourself. They both seem arrogant, self centered and only love the idea of their own perception of "love". There are guys out their who will treat you with respect and actually care for you, which, from what you've been saying, these guys obviously don't. I personally believe it would be worth the wait for your own happiness and well being.

At the end of the day do what your heart tells you, but also in this situation think about it first. You don't want to end up getting hurt, no one wants that. Be careful, be safe and think things through. If you need to call it a day then do so, be around friends who will support you.

If you decide to stay with either of the two so called "guys" (I personally don't think much of a male when he says such things as you have described, it's immature, pathetic and if he's deriving self-esteem from making you upset, he's no man) then make sure the one you decide to stay with treats you with respect, you deserve it.

Good luck and all the best. :smile:
ditto to everyone else, dump the both of them and go have fun by yourself.
to be honest, sound you souldn't be with either of them. they sound like they both treat you badly (by your own admitance), and like they're only after one thing.

Wait for a nice guy to come along!

I totally agree. Ditch them both, wait for the right guy :smile:
y u still with them?
Reply 7
They both sound like absolute tossers. Get rid of them.
Reply 8
dump both guy A and guy B and wait for guy C to come along... PS make sure guy C is nicer to u than guy A or guy B