hey thanx for ure replies
xantm...i just feel like i don't know him well enuf to be able to say these thingos. i don't know exactly how far to push before it scares him away...by push, i mean to talk abot our relationship, because it's still really new.
lora, we are boyfriend and girlfriend. i asked him out, i think i asked him too soon, it was on the friday of our first date, and i thoghot it went really wel. i spose also i really wanted to be in a relationship, cos i kinda missed the intimacy of my old one (bad reason i know, but it wasn't the only one reason, i really like him!)...but i think is that also why he's reluctant to tell his friends, in case it doesn't last cos we're still getting to know each other?
pg 13 i mean just kissing. i feel like i'm 15 years old! but on tues and fri, it went further than that, and he's slept with more than 1 person before...maybe he just wants to take it slow?
argh...i dunno..i think being dumped for being boring scares me the worst...in texts he says he's really happy and really likes me, but the actions don't seem to follow...
any other thoughts?