The Student Room Group

Drifting apart?

My girlfriend and I are barely talking at the moment.

Since Friday we've not had a proper conversation, and not said more than about 5 words to each other at a time. It's weird. She assures me nothing is wrong, but I can't help feel pushed away.

The thing is, I have depression and anxiety and sometimes it prevents me doing things I want to do, such as going out and meeting people. I don't have a job at the moment (going to Uni in September hopefully) and she's at college. She has lots of friends and has recently started going out with them, and whilst I did feel a bit left out to start with (we live 3 hours apart so get to see much of each other) I don't now and understand that her going out with her friends is perfectly normal.

I'm not even sure what the point of this message is. I guess it's because I've been thinking lately that we're drifting apart. I've been struggling more and more with my anxiety, and not working means I can't go and see her. She doesn't work either so she can't come and see me. And these thoughts that we're growing apart have coincided with her suddenly developing a social life. She's never been one for going out, but just this past weekend she had a friend over all day Saturday (she was apparently so busy she couldn't even text me :frown:), she's going to a sleepover tomorrow night, and having a friend over on Friday.

Does it sound like we're drifting apart? 'Cause it certainly feels like it from where I'm sitting.