The Student Room Group

Antibiotics and alcohol

I'm recovering from a chest infection and am currently taking Amoxicillin.

Out of 21 capsules I have 6 to go and have had no side effects.

I'm going out tonight and wasn't intending on drinking, but has anyone drunk whilst taking Amoxicillin and if yes were there any side effects?

So far I've read that drinking in moderation is okay.


I wouldn't rish it to be honest. Your tolerance will be affected a lot and you won't know when you've gone too far.

I've known people to be in complete states when drinking on antibiotics. My friend has a very high tolerance yet when he was on antibiotics he was on the floor after just under a bottle of wine.
Reply 2
Lol and I'm not the best drunk in the world normally.

I get chest infections all the time, and have been on a mixture of amoxicillin and predisalone everytime. From what I have read on both 'instruction' booklets in each pack, they mention nothing of alcohol, and from what I've been given advice from the doctor at uni, drining alcohol with those antibiotics is more of a myth, but lay of it to give your body time to recover from being ill.

Just complete the course, I sometimes forget and it doesn't go away completely lol, chest infections hang on for a while :P

Edit: having researched further, some (but very few) antibiotics do have some effects with alcohol, amoycillin isn't mentioned as having these.
Reply 4
Thanks for the advice.

I think I will lay off the drink, although I do feel better now.

Will get a sugar high off coke instead! :p:
There is only one antibiotic you shouldn't mix, and that's called metronidazole, because it can have a reaction similar to the drug disulfiram which they use to treat alcoholics (i.e. will make you violently sick within minutes of consuming alcohol).

The only thing you should watch out for is irritation of the stomach.
I know 3 different people who took 3 different types of antibodics and then drunk alcohol (even a couple of days later) and had some terrible effects, they cant remeber much basically and one girl even had to go to the hospital to get her stomach pumped..i really wouldnt advise it unless your 100% sure the antibodics wont effect the alcohol?
Reply 7
I'm not advising you to do anything, but i've drank on anti-biotics dozens of times, and never had any side effects.
My mate drank whilst on anti-biotics for a chest infection the other day. She was wasted really quickly and was being sick for like an hour - her mum had to come and pick her up. she's not usually like that by the way, i'd advise that you didn't - sorry :biggrin:
i got drunk quicker when i drank on medication n i felt worse than crap in the morning
Reply 10
I had exactly the same problem and treatment in November. The doctor said it was ok. I got quite drunk one night, no particular ill effects.

But some people do get really drunk, and if you're ill, drinking in general is a bad idea.
only the other week i threw up all over my bf's bed, i reckon it was the 2 mixed together. its never happened b4 but it was the first time i had antibiotics for 2 weeks, ooops!!!