The Student Room Group
Hello there, this is a very old post but I thought I'd reply anyway..

Did you end up applying to this, and if so, did you get in? (Or were you going to start next year?) I applied in late June and I just found out that I got in. I had a strong 2:1 in my undergrad but no real work experience in the field.

Anyway, let me know. I'm hoping to hear from others who are going to do this course!
Reply 2
Don't bump old threads please, after 18 months of inactivity, you can start a new one!
Sorry Acaila - when I replied to the thread I forgot for a moment that we're in 2008 now, and not 2007 - you'd think by the end of July I'd be used to it, but apparently this isn't the case. Should I just keep on using this one now though?

Izzy - I'm sorry to hear that, will you start next year instead, or just do something else? It is incredibly expensive, I can't really afford it either!