Hello ppl i need some advice and some help. Ok heres how the story starts.
When i first started secondary school i was just average in looks in fact i did n't really care about my looks cos i was 11 any way as time went by years in fact up to year 11 i only had about 1 girl intrested in me. So i took the general idea that i was average in looks.
I mean from about the first month i had a girl interested in me and the attention didn't stop there was a t least a new girl interested in me every few months. Ok at first it was hard to understand what they saw in me although i was one of the only black guys in an all white school. But soon i came to relise the fact that i might be a little over average in looks. Now i've finished school and i get grown women commenting on my " attractiveness."
I'm a boy by the way if you haven't already guessed.
Anyway the problem isn't the fact that i get the attention in fact its quite nice, it was the fact the now my head is growing at a very fast rate. When i meet new females i can't help thinkin now that they are checkin me out.
I'm really not an arrogant person and i don't want to be, but i've noticed that all the attention from females has changed my perception of myself.
Has anyone ever experienced this or got any comments on how i can calm my ego.