The Student Room Group

Good friend is showing signs of depression

A friend of mine is showing signs of depression. I don't live with him, but from experiencing depression, and from seeing his behaviour - it is becoming more and more apparent that he is depressed about something.

For example, lately he has not been going out much at all, whereas his flat mates are. He chooses to stay in by choice. Today, I saw him at the gym, and he was incredibly moody, I tried to make him laugh - he wasn't having it. I asked him about how his degree was going - his typical responses "its fine, its fine" - he spoke v little. When I tried to expand the conversation by talking about my degree, he seemed not interested at all. Even though, this aspect of my degree is v similar to his. Today was his first day at the gym in ages, I wonder why.

I am starting to get concerned - I want to comfront him about this, but I am slightly intimidated.
Reply 1
I have a depressed friend and all you can do is talk and confort them. Prehaps try and suggest going into councilling.

All you can do is be a friend when they need you, it sucks but its the only thing you can do. You can't free him of the 'pain' but you can help him feel happy about life again.
Make sure he knows you're there for him to talk to whenever and as CMH said maybe suggest for him to see a councillor.
Good luck :smile:
Reply 3
Yea, just talk to him when he wants someone to talk to. That usually helps a lot. And maybe encourage him to go out more, or try getting him a little more social, meet up with friends etc