The Student Room Group

Why isn't he calling?

I went out on a perfect first date with this guy that I really like. We went out to dinner and to a bar. We really seemed to get along with eachother. At the end of the date he told me he had a really great time and that he would call me. He warned me that he was really busy with work (he is 23 and works at an accounting firm- he would be out of town traveling for work). However, it has been over a week and I still haven't heard from him. Does anyone have any idea why someone would say they had a really great time and then not call again?? I know he is busy, but since he hasn't called in over a week should I give up on him completely? I just wonder why he didn't call.... what do you think happened??:confused:
Reply 1
Aren't guys (and people generally) funny like that?

You never know, maybe it's a valid excuse and he's going to call you back and be extremely apologetic... it happens!

Do you have his number? If you really want to see him again, and you're so certain there's a spark, then call him. Maybe he lost his phone or something equally stupid, but perfectly possible. I'm sure he'd be flattered :smile:

From your post, part of you is obviously thinking "what if he never plans on calling or going out again?" Well, then you can do better, so don't fret. (easier said that done, I know)
Why don't you call him?
I reckon you should give him another week. If after that either just give up or maybe text him and ask him whether he'd like to go out again or not. If he says no just tell him "OK cool" and move on.
Reply 4
If you have his number, contact him. He may have genuine reasons, he may not. But it can't hurt to try.

If I were you I would.
Reply 5
I think that he is a guy and he's picked his phone up many a time and then put it down being too nervous and thinking that it's too soon. He doesn't want to seem too eager ^_^

Sorry but us guys get really worked up over these things.
Do we? I've never had to experience giving a gal a call so I'm trusting in xatm092 to guide you through.
Reply 7
Yeah we do. :smile:
I still get butterflies when I call my girl
While it's perfectly possible he does like you and has a valid excuse not to call, the other side of the argument could be that if he is keen on seeing you again he will call you, even just to make sure you don't think he's not interested. So all you can do is wait...if he likes you he will call.
Reply 9
Wait a couple more days, then casually call him to tell him how much fun you had, ask him how he is (so you can find out his excuse) and then arrange another date!

not another one of these threads. zzzzzz
Reply 11
He's just not that into you?
Reply 12
He stood you up. dont worry it happens to men and women. just move on and forget this guy. the sooner the better.
Reply 13
it could be that he does like you so is nervous calling. I get really nervous phoning my fiance, which is weird because we have been together for ages. But some people are just like that! Maybe he is afraid that if he phones you you'll turn him down. Perhaps give him until next week to pluck up the courage and then if you have his number, phone him.