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Reply 1
People tend to have vastly different views on this. I've heard some say it's the most painful thing they've ever experienced, and others have said that it's not bad at all. I guess it's all down to the individual (and who does the piercing). :smile:
Reply 2
I haven't had my ears pierced, but my gf reliably informs me that it doesn't hurt at all :wink:
Reply 3
They don't use needles. It's over in milliseconds, and no, it doesn't hurt. Feels a bit hot afterwards, but definitely doesn't hurt.
I'm a wuss with pain and needles.

Want to get,my Ear Lobes pierced. But scared of needles.

Will it hurt ?

hey, i'm a total wimp and diddn't get my ears pierced till i was about 15. It hurt, but it was over in a split second, like touching a hot kettle and recoiling quickly before ur burnt.

Go for it; but at a place where they do them simultaniously, like claires.

Plus: there's no needles inviolved! they peirce your ears with sharp earing,s which they then leave in until the holes heal. easy.
Reply 5
I had my ears pierced when I was 8, but they healed up so I had them done again at 11. I was sooo scared of the needle. In fact a couple of times I so nearly had them done, then got scared and told my mum to take me home!

Once I started crying when she brought something near my ear and it turned out it was a pen to mark my ears :redface:

But then I couldn't really feel it when I finally had it done. Felt very hot suddenly, but that was it.
Reply 6
I had my ears pierced when I was 12 and it didn't hurt at all. When i went outside the wind did make them sting a little bit but the pain was hardly anything. It was sooo worth getting them done. Just think that loads of people get them pierced so it can't hurt that much.

The woman who pierced mine didn't use big needles either. I didn't look properly (I was a bit scared as well!) but I think she just marked a cross on my ear and then used this plastic thing which didn't look painful at all.

If you've had your BCG the needle is nothing compared to that one! Also, the pain is like nothing compared to the stinging after that injection!
Personally I didn't find it hurt that much. Besides these days if you just having your ears done it will proabably be done with a gun and not with a needle anyway (the stud is fired into the ear and makes the hole as it goes), which is much more hygenic, accurate and less painful as well I would think etc.
Reply 8
Personally I didn't find it hurt that much. Besides these days if you just having your ears done it will proabably be done with a gun and not with a needle anyway (the stud is fired into the ear and makes the hole as it goes), which is much more hygenic, accurate and less painful as well I would think etc.

No, guns are bad. Guns are not sharp enough, not hygenic, much less accurate, and are much more painful.
Reply 9
No, guns are bad. Guns are not sharp enough, not hygenic, much less accurate, and are much more painful.

So will it be done with a Needle then ? :eek:
Reply 10
Actually I thought my ears felt cold after they got pierced! They used a gun-like thing to pierce mine with the earring so you don't see any needle. Nothing to worry about really!
look at all the s&m weirdos who pierce every inch of their body and who sometimes get fish hooks put in their backs which are attached to a pulley, causing them to be suspended in air.

be aware of the indian holiday thaipusam where participants pierce their face and back, attach the piercings to carts and pull them along.

there are crucifixions held every easter in the phillippines, a literal interpretation of 'following christ's foosteps'.

so yeah. ear piercings aren't that bad.
Reply 12
look at all the s&m weirdos who pierce every inch of their body and who sometimes get fish hooks put in their backs which are attached to a pulley, causing them to be suspended in air.

be aware of the indian holiday thaipusam where participants pierce their face and back, attach the piercings to carts and pull them along.

there are crucifixions held every easter in the phillippines, a literal interpretation of 'following christ's foosteps'.

so yeah. ear piercings aren't that bad.

Thaipusam was just about a week ago! Big thing here in Malaysia.
Reply 13
I had the top of my ear pierced wit a needle last year and didn't hurt at all. They froze it beforehand with a gel so felt nothing
Thaipusam was just about a week ago! Big thing here in Malaysia.

yes i know :smile: i've got lots of friends who live there and i'm going there in 2 days! WEIII!

i've got 8 piercings all together, two of which aren't in my ears (eyebrow and navel). none of them hurt.
Reply 15
It doesn't hurt :smile:

If it's pierced with a gun, the worse thing is the noise, it sounds so loud but that's only because it's right near your ear!

It'll be all over in less than a second for each ear. Maybe take a friend with you, just for moral support if you're really worried, but honest, it's not that bad :smile:
Now I'm not saying it's really painful, in fact it's barely noticable. But at the same time you can realise you're being prodded with a sharp object. Seriosuly it's barely noticeable, but being prodded with something is bound to be felt. Then again it depends on where you get pierced I think. I had my cartilage peirced, not the lobes.
No no no no no no no

Don't go and get them pierced with a gun! Yes it is quicker, but it's so unhygenic and its easier for the ears to get infected, and just NO! =P Especially if you get your cartlidge done because they never heal then.

They use numbing wipes, so you won't feel it so much, and it'll be over quickly. Take a friend and squeeze their hands!
Reply 18
I guess it depends where you go with regards to hygiene...
Reply 19
I really don't understand what all the fuss is about with guns. Mine were done with a gun, the holes are straight, it didn't hurt and they never got infected. Hence I can't really comment about how it feels to have them pierced with a needle - but with the gun, as others have said, probably the worst thing is the noise. The feeling is best likened to the touching-a-hot-kettle feeling someone mentioned earlier.
Probably the best way to get through it is to shut your eyes and know it'll all be over soon. My mum fainted when she had hers done at 16 and hers are still fine, straight and whathaveyou so even if you do faint they'll probably still manage to get it over with. Good luck :smile: