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from eating disorder to helthy? help

ok so i've had this for about 3years. i amn't diagnosed but im ed-nos for anyone who knows what that is. im around 5'5 & 7.7(105) but i feel extremely muscular.

the thing is im about to quit uni to become a ballet dancer full time, but i want to be helthy now since i really can't go on anymore like this, it's just my diet is so crazy because of the ED.

Please can you suggest some healthy nutriouse advice since i really dont know what 'healthy' is. and im not about to eat 2000 cal a day either.
You should go and see your gp and asked to be referred to a dietician, who will be able to help you out with your diet. Also, I'm guessing there are probably reasons/issues behind you being EDNOS which you would probably benefit from addressing. I don't know an awful lot about EDNOS but I do know that it can still be serious even if it doesn't fit a specific category. I think it's going to take more than some advice on healthy nutrition to get yourself sorted, especially since you've been suffering for 3 years. Just my tuppence worth...
Please can you suggest some healthy nutriouse advice since i really dont know what 'healthy' is. and im not about to eat 2000 cal a day either.

I totally agree with fleur de lis on seeing a professional.

As far as 'what is healthy?' goes, I'm afraid healthy is eating around 2000cals a day! I persoanlly eat way more than that, around 2500-2700, and maintain a weight of around 10st, which i consider to be perfectly healthy. Others eat far more and stay at around 8st because they have a naturally faster metabolism.

You might want to also see a professional on why you see 2000cals as an amount you would never be able to eat. You don't have to start eating it everyday, and i don't want to be someone who's telling you 'EAT!!! for more than you want to, and straight away! force it down and keep it down! or else!' because that abviously not going to work, but if you want to do full time ballet, eating somewhere around that much will be nessesary, as you might burn close to that everyday juts from ballet! It's hard work, and your bady needs the energy form somewhere.

Healthy is also eating 5 portions of fruit and veg (making a total of 5 not 10!), eating pleanty of fibre to maintain a healthy gut, and getting pleantry of nutrients for your hair, nails and skin and inner organs. Iron for example you need to maintain your blood turnover.

Hope you find that helpful!
I'd say go to your doctor too. They can refer you to a dietician and/or a therapist or psychologist of some kind.

Also, I know of a great support forum and website, for the recovery of people with an eating disorder. It's or to go straight to the forum. I belong to it, and it really is an amazing place. The people are so friendly too. They've helped me tons.

Sending well wishes and healthy hugs your way!:rolleyes:
Reply 4
If you're going to do ballet, you'll be exercising more any you have to be careful that you increase your intake, even if that means taking it up to 2000 cal. I wouldn't worry about the amount you're taking in. I'm almost exactly the same as you, 5foot 4 1/2 inches and weigh around 46/7kg (103lb) and want to do dance full time when I leave school so do loads of ballet and dance now. I'm trying to put on weight now because I've got 2ndary ammenorea but again finding it hard, but I'm trying, it's a change of mentality that you've got to get around, you've got to have a mantra in your head saying that you've got to eat, probably the opposite to the one you've got now. Your weight seems quite low, maybe you should think about putting on weight to get healthy, I know it's more normal to be around that weight especially if you're going in to the ballet career, they'll probably be a lot of pressure about that, but you've got to put yourself and your health first. You've got to make sure that you get all the required areas of food and that includes fats etc, and you've got to make sure that you get enough of them. The first thing I would say to do though, is to go and see a GP as the others have suggested, even if you don't have amennorea or any other clear symptoms like that, you can get their advice and see what they say. They'll be able to suggest what to do better than any of us can.