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Reply 1
lol i was in interview earlier with you guy in the brown jacket. what happened ? who did you get ? i thought mine went pretty ok tbh although i thought the guy hated me at one point
Heh hi man, brown coat? Not sure :P
Well I had the 2 panel, definitely want to at least try to appeal - had no luck finding it yet though.. Imperial makes their appeals process obvious...

Actually cancel that, I remember you :smile:
Reply 3
lol yeah i had the two panel aswell. the guy took something from my bmat and turned it into an argument and really confused me. he was nice and so was the lady too
I'm sure they at least spent more than 8 minutes with you, actually listened to what you said, and didn't do something else I'd rather keep for the moment, so it doesn't dilute my appeal...
Reply 5
My brother had his interview yesterday too, he said the interview had some more difficult questions than he'd expected, as they asked some awkward questions such as:

"How should doctors respect cultural diversity when it comes to treating patients? What if the family of a woman was present and refused you access to her due to being a male despite it being a medical emergency?"

His interview lasted 10-15 minutes.
If it had just been hard questions I wouldn't be complaining. As I said to other before, I got rejected from somewhere else, but that was my fault. This time, I wasn't even given a chance... :frown: Actually not sure whether to be amazingly depressed, or angry :confused:
Reply 7
Why do you think you were treated unfairly? Were the questions too difficult or what? Have you even been rejected yet?
Reply 8
i understand if you wanna keep what happened to yourself and i wish you luck in getting in or with the appeals process
I had the interview today so I haven't been rejected yet. However I don't want to make it look like I'm just suddenly making it up because I've been rejected!
Reply 10
lol there is something im missing here
what are you appealing against? I had the two panel one too - it was probably nicer since its less people to make exaggerated eye contact with...
Lots of things, but one thing especially aggravated me...
Reply 12
I'm fairly certain you can only appeal once a decision has been made (i.e. rejection). If you think the interviewers were prejudiced or unfair in any way, you could let the admissions tutor know now, but I'm not sure what can be done:s-smilie:

Any chance of you revealing what the really bad thing was?
Oh dear I've made it sound worse than it was now..
This thread is boring, quit your whining just because you've had a crap interview, like so so many other people who have interviews.
I had a crap one at BSMS, but that I knew was my fault, this one I wasn't even given the chance ..
Reply 16
I had a crap one at BSMS, but that I knew was my fault, this one I wasn't even given the chance ..

Can you give some more details.... in what way were you not given a chance?
Don't worry, I'll email myself - I'll tell you lot how it goes...
This thread is boring, quit your whining just because you've had a crap interview, like so so many other people who have interviews.

Don't be rude. You don't know the full circumstances of his interview so don't pass judgement.
Well the guy is being annoying, he wont even say what was wrong with the interview... at least he got an interview, which is much more than most people get... his fault if he blew his opportunity.